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From Beyond the Veil

Planetary Overview

Asla'nir's design was created by none other than Ireakh, Goddess of Creativity. It features strong magnetic fields, with a gravitational pull of roughly 9.7 metres per second. Asla'nir orbits a singular sun— Aeli'tan, a smaller orange star that is said to be created by Kinyokar and named after his fallen student, Aelyrus. Many Asla'nirians have a very Nephi-centric ideology around the Gods, however, research conducted by scholars of the Encyclopedia Ultimatus from interviews with Gods has proven that there is more to the story than the average commoner would tell you— Asla'nir, as well as all of its nearby celestial bodies, are primarily the work of Isold'ekir, the Primaeval God of Space and Creation, with the most distant stars being created by Qir'atok, the Abrorik God of the Heavens. These stars are not true stars; within the pocket dimension that hosts Asla'nir, only Aeli'tan is a true, proper star. Asla'nir also possesses a singular satellite, a moon by the name of Luhira, which, once more, is falsely believed to be the work of Selira. The Sun and Moon God of Asla'nir have been proven to possess the ability to manipulate the celestial bodies of Asla'nir, however, especially with the death of Isold'ekir— incidents of Kinyokar manipulating Aeli'tan date back to seven million years ago and Selira is said to have changed the cycles of the moon temporarily as part of a celebration during the ancient most times of Asla'nir. When the moon and sun meet in an eclipse, it is said to be reunited by Selira and Kinyokar once more after being separated by the Eternal Conflict and the God Sseth'ak.

The people of Asla'nir use a lunar calendar that possesses twelve months, with three months per season, and each day roughly takes up twenty-seven hours that are specifically sixty minutes in length. Tir'anorians, given that they spawn from another world, did not initially use the same calendar, but given that this particular calendar has been developed since the first million years of Asla'nir's existence, even Liranon uses it consistently— thus, the people of Dar'nik have adopted it as well within the past several thousand years. There is a rather abundant amount of debate over how many hours there are in Asla'nir, however— given that not all regions recognise there as being twenty-seven major Gods and there is the general belief that there is an hour per each major god, some prefer to use twenty-six hours of sixty-two minutes in length. Others argue that twenty-six hours are ideal based on a clean split between night and day. Each nation has different standards on the matter entirely. Nations such as Udoxa, which do believe in the existence of twenty-seven major Gods, utilise twenty-seven hours of sixty minutes, with the fourteenth hour being somewhat split equally between night and day at the half hour mark. Weeks possess eight days and there are roughly thirty to thirty-two days per month, about as long as the moon's phase cycle lasts. A week is indicated by two phases of the moon passing, although this technically occurs within about seven and a half days, meaning that months regularly alternate between being thirty-one days long and thirty-two days long.

Further Reading

The Creation of Worlds




Multi-Nation Continents


Otherwise known as the Land of Beasts, Dyrentiera is host to the largest stretch of unurbanized territories and is known for its diverse and plentiful ecosystems, as well as its abundance of nonhumanoid sapient species. This is, in part, due to the protections placed upon these ecosytems and their cultures' innate preference towards caring for the ecosystem. Despite Fydrassi's generally well-known existence, Fydrassi and Aloernarch are heavily isolationistic and rarely trade with other nations— both trade with Udoxa periodically, as well as sometimes Furukame, however, Aloernarch in particular is so isolationistic that many consider the nation to be a myth outright. These two nations are the only two in the continent, however, Fydrassi is much, much smaller than Aloernarch and Aloernarch takes up the bulk of its territories, with Fydrassi inhabiting the territory beyond the more eastern mountain range, the Novivada Mountains. Dyrentiera has the most World Trees out of any continent, with four of them being located in Fydrassi and one of them being located within Aloernarch. Fydrassi is generally safer to tranverse with the exception of its borders with Aloernarch due to the higher ambient stellar mana concentration present there but Aloernarch, however, has such a high ambient stellar concentration that it can induce Stellar Rot. Outside of certain large cities, the bulk of Dyrentiera still utilises predominantly traditionalistic economies or has limited usage of the nation's own coin. Despite that, the nations in question generally do not struggle with widespread hunger or housing difficulties for varying reasons depending on the nation, like one might anticipate.

Dyrentiera Map

Coming soon!


Referred to as either Stelateria or Stellateria depending on the region one inhabits (although most natives are referred to as Stellaterians regardless), Stelateria is known as the Land of the Stars due to its high concentrations of ambient stellar mana— as one reaches its centre, such as western Vasterioth, the entirety of Udoxa, and eastern Arkeum, one begins to be exposed to greater concentrations of ambient stellar mana due to the entrances to the Higher Planes and Lower Depths being above Stelateria. Stelateria possesses three nations, each with conflict within the continent— in particular, both Udoxa and Vasterioth have had bouts of warfare with Arkeum, resulting in the three nations having notably struggled with diplomacy. As of current, Vasterioth and Udoxa have a technology alliance and have been actively sharing their scientific projects and with the current monarch of Arkeum, neither have gone to conflict with Arkeum and have been working on actively improving relations. Stelateria has some of the finest academies in all of Asla'nir, vast cities, rich cultures, and very diverse species across its lands, both sapient and non-sapient alike, with many being entirely endemic or found in merely a couple other regions. Each one has a rich history due to Stelateria being one of the first continents built on Asla'nir and being the one with the highest concentration of Gods and Divine species until around seven million years ago. Most of its nations are decently wealthy but have high taxation rates and some degree of inflation from certain other nations— Udoxa and Vasterioth are notably socialist whereas Arkeum has a mixed economy and struggles with inflation considerably more due to difficulties with its economy.

Stelateria Map

Aaliya Bara

Named after a long-forgotten historical figure, Aaliya Bara has been referred to as the Land of the Exalted Sun due to its extensive history as a region dominated by worship of Kinyokar and Tyrea. Aaliya Bara is a rich and diverse land with many, many ethnic groups and many different cultures, however, it has been constrained to two nations— Alnabi and Tiryt. Although both have historically had theocratic governments and even alliances with one another, Tiryt's recent imperialisation by Dimonian nobility and establishment of a government that monitors and constrains religion has resulted in Tiryt straying from its traditional path— Alnabi has not had an alliance with it since it was imperialised. Both nations are capitalistic, however, their policies are very different— Alnabi and Tiryt both permit slavery to different degrees, although Alnabi has been seeking reformation of its policies whereas Tiryt's imperialisation has led to its steady rise, with its policy changes driving forward horrific abuses to those enslaved. Each nation is rather distinctive, however, beyond their government systems— their ecosystems, cultures, and natives are relatively distinguished from one another. Aaliya Bara is known for its predominantly arid climate, however, it has a wide array of endemic species and much of its sapient species are distinctive for being almost entirely native to Aaliya Bara as a whole, with very few other regions having the same ones, in part due to the adaptations necessary to reside within them.

Aaliya Bara Map

Coming soon!

World Map

The world of Asla'nir is divided into roughly eight continents, as seen in the map on the right. Dyrentiera contains Aloernarch and Fydrassi, Stelateria contains Udoxa, Arkeum, and Vasterioth, and Aaliya Bara contains Tiryt and Alnabi. Some continents are nations in and of themselves, such as Furukame, Liranon, Tir'anor, and Aleria. Barasaire is the only archipelago on Asla'nir. Researchers have noticed distinct differences in climates and even the size of the western coast of Liranon.


Regarded as a myth by most of the world, Aloernarch is a country on the continent of Dyrentiera denoted for its immense grandiosity— almost every race in the nation is gargantuan in size or possesses magical potency beyond most other mortals. The mighty nation of Aloernarch is amongst the largest in Asla'nir— this is in part due to expansion through manipulation of the landscape itself over several thousand years by High Queen Enyomirak, but is primarily the result of its immense mass to begin with. Home to the first World Tree Verkrone and several courts, Aloernarch possesses a High Ruler system— species are represented by an entire noble court, with ten courts in total and the leader of this council, as well as the national leader of Aloernarch, is the High Ruler. As of current, Aloernarch has been reigned by the Draconian Court for the past ten thousand years and is in one of the best eras of recent history— slavery is illegal, Aloernarch is beginning to get involved with world affairs, and all ten courts are at the forefront of politics and are active, something that has not been seen in thousands of years. It possesses a unique, primarily traditionalist economy as most Aloernarchians outside of major cities have no use for nor understand the principles of currency. Despite that, Aloernarch possesses an uncanny ability to support itself, even with little to no outside contact or trade. Aloernarchians are a group of honour-bound, proud, pious, and cunning warriors who face great environmental hazards and oftentimes compete with their own neighbours for resources— outside of cities, hunting other Aloernarchians for food is considered free game and common practice. Despite that, constant storms batter the shores of Aloernarch for most days of the week and most Aloernarchians rarely leave the land without much reason, thus resulting in the nation being rarely explored by other nations' peoples, especially with the looming threat of its ecosystem and the potential of Stellar Rot.

Further Reading



The smallest nation of Dyrentiera, Fydrassi is one of the few nations to possess a considerable portion of its nearby ocean as part of its territories. It is denoted for its vibrant, rich culture; friendly locals; expansive, beautiful wilderness; and of course, the beasts that roam the region, including a unique type of animal seen nowhere else— dinosaurs. Fydrassi possesses a unique bureaucratic government system that features two main states, each with three main sectors of government, all of which answer to the Council of the Realm— a group of sixteen individuals who are selected from the most ancient families of Fydrassi— and the Sapalani, the appointed king of Fydrassi. Much like Aloernarch, the bulk of Fydrassi's economy is primarily maintained through traditionalist means— although the capitals possess some usage of currency, most Fydrassians exchange goods. Fydrassi is one of the few nations that does not struggle with homelessness nor starvation— its denizens are skilled users of Natura Animi more often than not and it is not unheard of for individuals to produce food through such magics, nor to create homes from the trees themselves. Fydrassi's natives are incredibly compassionate and kind, but have faced countless threats over the years— between the harsh wilds, the invasive slavers, as well as attempts to invade and colonise Fydrassi several megaannum ago, Fydrassians have endured great struggles and sufferings. Despite that, Fydrassians are amicable and close-knit, with most living in affectionate, interwoven clans. Although Fydrassi is slightly more accessible than its neighbour, it is not unheard of for storms from Aloernarch to periodically worm their way onto Fydrassi's coasts as well, but ultimately, it is Fydrassi's inhospitable jungles that hamper most travellers, even if the people of Fydrassi are more than welcoming and the major cities have surprisingly booming tourist funded economies.

Further Reading



A singular nation hosted upon the back of a magnificent Kaiju known as Long Gui, or the Dragon Turtle, Furukame was produced by the planting of the World Tree Goketsu on the Father of All Kaiju. Furukame's people are denoted for their strong sense of honour and duty, but also their general compassion, or, in the very least, tolerance towards other denizens of Asla'nir, regardless of where they originate from. Furukame's ecosystem is considered relatively tame— although all sorts of powerful beasts walk the earth, the bulk of their kind are relatively mundane and the people of Furukame are typically safe from these sorts of creatures. In particular, Furukame is known for being the only nation to feature almost no enemies nor allies other than itself— civil wars periodically occur, typically in bids for power by the Daimyō and Shogun over control of the nation, even if treason to the Emperor is heavily frowned upon, as it is, in part, believed that the next to rule is chosen by the Gods. Although Furukame only takes up a portion of the Kaiju's back, it floats eternally across the seas within a select area of the ocean when Long Gui arises to swim across the waters, before settling once more for a nap. As such, its placement on a map is never secure and instead more of an approximation. Still, Furukame trades with almost every nation in the world and has positive relations in general— its agriculture industry is considered the most admirable out of all nations. The denizens of Furukame claim to be blessed by Aeli'tan, the sun, as their land is incredibly fertile— the back of Long Gui, encased in earth, is covered in farmland with immensely sizeable crops as a result, with its virility believed to have originated from Goketsu itself.

Further Reading



Oftentimes purported falsely by its natives as the 'Origin of Magic,' the Stellaterian state of Arkeum is known for the severe effects the local entrance to the Higher Planes has had upon its ecosystem. Arkeum's ecosystem is relatively tame within half of the nation, but the distortion of space-time when Ma'akali's spell was interrupted by the rise of Sanctuary causes much of Arkeum to be levitating in the skies. The abundance of aether resulted in animals and plants becoming mutated within its most stellar regions— for this reason, Arkeum is known for its magical flora and fauna, as well as the immense number of scholars and mages amongst its populace. Arkeum's economy is primarily founded on its magitech and this, ignoring inflation, results in Arkeum being amongst the wealthiest nations in Asla'nir, as well as one of the most technologically advanced. The people of Arkeum are known for their ambitious nature, as well as their innate desire to grow in power, intellect, and knowledge— Arkeum features some of the most well-renowned schools in all of Asla'nir— and its people are considered quite brilliant by most of Asla'nir's standards, if not arrogant and haughty. It is said that much of Arkeum's populace is the result of lost individuals making their their way into Arkeum through portals, although whether or not this has been proven is up to debate. The nation of Arkeum is naturally at odds with its neighbouring nation, Udoxa, due to a long history of hatred and systematic genocide and segregation of void-touched races, a category of peoples that make up almost the entirety of Udoxa's population. Other than Udoxa and, to a lesser degree, Fydrassi, it possesses mostly favourable relations with most other nations.

Further Reading



One of the most technologically advanced nations, as well as one of the wealthiest, the nation of Udoxa is known for its denizens' immense intellect, cunning, and wit— it features an array of schools noted for their efficiency in teaching their student body, which lines up with Udoxa's naturally utilitarian usage of its resources. Known for its voidscape, almost the entirety of Udoxa is situated underneath an opening to the Void and due to the constant rain and fog across its nation, Udoxa typically spends much of its time in darkness— an unproblematic matter for its predominantly nocturnal races and vibrant nightlife. Udoxa's socialist economy is founded on its technology and magi-industrial complexes— unlike Arkeum, Udoxa features mechanical technology as well, including steam, electricity, and coal to power machinery— as well as its metals. It possesses a caste-based society and is known for being quite authoritarian— something relatively favoured by the races that reside there and thus the general populace— and possessing harsh punishments for criminals. Udoxa is one of the few nations that is completely free of slavery and it is known for being a refugee state that will take in slaves from other nations— mostly due to the general inability of other nations to truly stop them due to its formidable military and defences. Udoxa, therefore, is one of the few nations to have rarely engaged in conflict with others over its history, although it has often dealt with internal conflicts and threats from within, such as cultists of Old Gods. Udoxa is one of the most dangerous nations for adventurers to wander into the wilderness in— assuming its immense megafauna and flora do not consume a traveller, one of its denizens might if in a pinch. Stellar rot is very probable and almost impossible to ignore in vulnerable mortal races.

Further Reading



A nation featuring two states, Vastare and Charios, Vasterioth is the only fully democratic nation within Asla'nir. Vasterioth is what remains of the great nation of Isigkir after it inevitably crumpled due to its brutal civil war and an unfortunate series of events that followed shortly afterwards. Vasterioth's people praise the Death Gods for liberating them from the grasps of an ancient Lich who was said to have been manipulated by another god to cast a curse upon the land— through the production of the so-called 'First Plague,' those who died became mindless undead and a war-wracked Isigkir could not survive the onslaught. The remnants of the territories of Isigkir that were not swept up by other nations were slowly brought together into the nation that would eventually become modern day Vasterioth. Vasteriothians are innately honour-bound and typically are warrioristic in nature— they are also, by far, the most patriotic out of all citizens. Vasteriothian economy thrives on the careful harvesting of natural resources, unique agricultural methods within some of the harshest conditions in Asla'nir, its rapidly improving technology and manufacturing, its emphasis on the arts, and its entertainment industry— Vasterioth has the most lively nightlife out of all of Stelateria, remarkably talented playwrights and actors, and features an abundance of gladiatorial rings. Much like Udoxa, its close ally and neighbour, Vasterioth is completely free of slavery and features a socialist state— it, too, takes in refugees quite often, although it is slightly more risky, even if Vasterioth has remarkable natural defences and a strong military as well. Although Vasterioth would not inherently be immediately forseen as dangerous due to its general lack of stellar rot outside of its regions closest to Udoxa, Vasterioth possesses immense megafauna, dangerous flora, and some of the harshest weather and climates in all of Asla'nir— its denizens have had to evolve to adapt to residing in immense cave systems, icy hellscapes, and magmatic regions. Travellers may find themselves outmatched by the local wilderness— if not the natives' eagerness to prove themselves in the art of combat or their hunger as one treks deeper into the wilderness.

Further Reading



Originally a series of archipelagos known by the name of Mawalaur, Barasaire has had a long history of empires forming and subsequently crumbling— amongst them, the Great Protean Empire, a long-time spanning kingdom beneath the waves. Due to this pattern, as well as a power vacuum from the crumbling of the Great Protean Empire, the Kurabara, otherwise known as the Black Rose, took control over the mostly peaceful and isolationist natives by executing the local leadership. Now, Barasaire serves as a major trading hub in the world of Asla'nir— particularly for illicit goods, rare and ancient artefacts, raw resources, shadily-obtained materials, and slaves. If something is being traded, bartered, or sold, it most likely passed through Barasaire at some point, as it is a popular destination for captains of ships and the wealthy— its economy, beyond being carried by the Black Market, is also home to resorts, spas, brothels, and vacation homes that litter the location and it tends to be a place where people may keep their funds offshore. It has the most relaxed laws out of every nation and serves as a safe haven for criminals, mercenaries, assassins, and those that would seek to pirate or smuggle goods. Despite that, the nation itself is beautiful— and what members of the original, proud peoples that came from Mawalaur remain are rich in culture, with a fondness for the visual and performing arts, and complex oral histories, as well as a deep and intricate understanding of the wilderness surrounding their homes. Unfortunately, however, quite a few of Barasaire's denizens are composed of slaves captured and sold by the Kurabara— these individuals come from almost every nation beyond a few and much like many of the older natives of Barasaire, those who have not joined the Kurabara, their spirits are often crushed, even if the Kurabara offer 'rewards' for the obedience of the state and performing duties.

Further Reading



The largest between the Aaliya Baran states, much like many other nations, Alnabi proclaims itself to be blessed by the Gods— particularly Arikar, Ki, Kinyokar, and Iro, as well as, by some, Tyrea. Led by a mixed religious organisation known as the Ascendancy, or rather, the Alsha'muhar, Alnabi is highly theocratic and serves underneath a Sultana who the people claim to be brought to reign over Alnabi by the Gods, her rise to power being secured by freeing the people of Alnabi from a civil war between two rival brothers and a famine. From its humble roots as a Nuralahibian territory, Aradalsham's eventual conquest of Alnabian territories and rise into power has always been owed to the work of the potent mages, pious priests, and warriors that follow the sultanate throughout history— that, and the assistance of Arikar and Ki in stabilising the nation in its most early roots. Alnabi is known for its poetry, literature, prose, visual arts, and performing arts, as well as its appreciation of militaristic values and deeply religious attitudes. It is one of the few states that has historically featured slavery and it relied upon it in part to maintain its economy during its most corrupt govermental eras— from farming to performances to gladiatorial arenas, slaves have served as a valuable part of Alnabi's income. In recent years, the Sultanate has put in systems to slowly dwindle the usage of slavery and has begun to switch into a millet system. The bulk of its economy is situated upon its luxuries, such as silk, gemstones, and artworks; agriculture, ranging from spices to food and cash crops; as well as, from time to time, magical reagents, enchanted goods, and literature produced by the most elite scholars and mages within its territories. Alnabi is relatively easy to travel to and it serves as a valuable trading route, but travelling across its wildernesses may pose a challenge— its jungles are inhospitable, its mesas and deserts are excruciatingly hot, and the flora and fauna of the region are notably deadly for the ill prepared.

Further Reading



Once the ancient kingdom of Nuralahib reigned by the Goddess Tyrea, Tiryt was a place of unity, justice, and equity— as time passed, however, outside forces began to purposefully influence the nation that would eventually become Tiryt and it began to sink into corruption over time. Tyrea's first mistake, perhaps, was permitting Adonius and his forces that fled Isigkir to stay, but purposeful attempts from Dimonians to incorporate themselves into Tirytian society and convert them to their ideology have warped the ideology of the leadership and many citizens. Over time, hatred and elitism, began to brew and boil— it came to a full tilt as Adonius returned to Tiryt once Tyrea had left and served as a periodic leader within its history. In the modern era of Tiryt, it has changed into an oligarchic republic, allowing its most elite to take full control of the nation and strip away the rights of the commonfolk. In spite of what one might assume from the corrupt oligarchs who have taken control of the nation, the Tirytian people are, by nature, generally kind and compassionate, however, the youth within the capital city, in particular, are notably xenophobic and militaristic, idealising the dominant political party's values. As one ventures farther away into its sands, one will find an embittered populace who make due in spite of suffering and strive to overcome it. The people of Tiryt value the visual and performing arts, but beyond that point, their preferences tend to vary based on caste and race— a blend of militarism and scholarship can be found, but most Tirytians are deeply devoted to faith above all else. Tiryt's economy relies heavily upon its slavery and indentured servitude, which was put in place in an attempt to manage Tiryt's slowly crumbling economy. Although Tiryt's commoners are not typically wealthy, the government itself relies upon a mixture of mining, to harvest the likes of metals and gems; agriculture; certain materials, such as leathers, furs, cloths, and oils; and magical goods serve to fuel the economy. Venturing to Tiryt is a simple task, but traversing it poses some difficulty— environmental conditions are harsh and even mundane wildlife is more than capable of serving as a threat, let alone magical flora and fauna. Still, one will find that the exotic goods of Tiryt tend to lure in travellers regardless.

Further Reading



An almost unheard of dichotomous nation split between two 'dimensions,' Liranon was cursed by the Goddess Alyriana to be forgotten forever— thus, Liranon was isolated for years, separated from all other continents and it developed in a unique set of circumstances that few others could endure. Eternally caught within night or day, the denizens of Liranon have had to face continuous civil wars and natural disasters— without a God of Natural Disasters, there was no control over the constant destruction that rained down upon the nation. Despite that, the people thrived and flourished regardless— everything has a polar opposite in Liranon, both of which exist simultaneously and this feature of the landscape makes the continent amongst the most ecologically diverse in all of Asla'nir, with the bulk of its species being entirely endemic to the region. Much like the land itself, Liranon is split into two semi-constitutional parliamentary diarchies— with one for each 'realm.' Nobility is seen as above the rest of the populace, with the nobility tending to create an echo chamber amongst their own courts, but oftentimes conflicting with their opposing realm. Its populace is notoriously elitist— they tend to believe other races or castes to be slightly inferior to themselves and some, such as Tariqestil, will refuse to have relationships with anything other than another one of their species— and place a high emphasis on the arts, both visual and performance, and scholarship. Liranon's economy sustains itself primarily through the menial labour of golem serfs in agriculture to produce food and mine valuable metals; luxuries, such as jewels, pigments, dyes; artworks; magical goods, such as rudimentary magitech, magical creatures, and reagents; and a thriving entertainment industry, with plays and music being quite popular in Liranese culture. Due to Liranon's natural disasters coming to a slow halt, Liranon is far safer to travel than it was in the past, but its plethora of magical creatures and its volatile nature still remain as continuous threats to the safety of travellers.

Further Reading



The only nation from another world, Tir'anor was teleported to the world of Asla'nir after the destruction of the Dar'nikian Empire's planets. One by one, each one fell, even as the Dar'nikian Gods fought to protect their world from a mixed force of Old Gods often referred to as 'the Aberrant.' Highly theocratic, Tir'anor's government system is centred around the very Gods they worship— at the head of their government is the Divine Council, a group of 'Living Gods' who serve the Tir'anorian people as their God Emperor, ministers, and other parliamentary officials. To refuse the honour of serving the Dar'nikian people as a Living God would be a mistake— and the system that holds them in power oftentimes serves as a reminder of the power of the people, as the slightest indication of corruption may result in a Living God being mauled to death in the streets or lynched. Various religious organisations serve the government, with the highest castes in Tir'anor's caste-based society being composed of priests, scholars, and warriors who serve the public. Tir'anor is the most advanced nation in Asla'nir, however, their solar-powered technology has been rendered defunct with their transportation to Asla'nir and they are now roughly on par with other advanced Asla'nirian states. Tir'anor's mixed economy is primarily supported by its technological and manufacturing industries, as well as its materials, luxuries, exotic goods, and magical creatures and artefacts. Tir'anor's races each individually prioritise something different— the arts, scholarship, combat— but all value the Gods above all else, as Tir'anorians are undeniably amongst the most pious in all of Asla'nir. Travelling across Tir'anor is not for the faint-hearted— it is one of the most dangerous nations, with megafauna, deadly flora, and environmental hazards such as toxins and stellar rot. Despite that, it is one of the few nations that one will likely not have to worry about the denizens of, as most Dar'nikians are incredibly friendly to outsiders.

Further Reading



The Grand Hegemony of Aleria is the result of the reunification of three Alerian states by war and revolution— the Kingdom of Dimonia, the Kingdom of Aluri, and the Republic of Trium. Referred to as the 'Birthplace of Humanity,' Aleria is the first continent from which humanity emerged through Alyriana's magic, from whence they travelled across almost all of Asla'nir. Reigned by Alyriana for millions of years, the Kingdom of Aleria inevitably dissipated from civil war between her three demigod children and their corruption sought to the inevitable slavery that would persist in Dimonia and Aluri for millions of years, as well as its inevitable encroach into the holy lands of Tiryt. Aleria has a unique system that combines that of the previous three nations within their respective territories, but ultimately, the state of Dimonia possesses the most power over the other two, even if both states are allowed to select representatives on their behalf, as well as have limited control over their own governance. The bulk of its populace is composed of Humans, demi-Humans, hybrids, or similar humanoids— the other races who reside in Aleria tend to be the descendants of slaves from long ago. Its economy primarily relies upon its natural resources, such as its lumber and mining industries, as well as its agricultural industry— some regions of Aleria rarely feature enchanted goods and literature, but artiliery weaponry is the signature creation of Aleria and is produced in mass. Alerian culture tends to be focused around daily routines and work, but the performing arts and some visual arts, such as carving, are common appreciations— periodically alongside the likes of gladitorial combat. Aleria is the safest location in all of Asla'nir and naturally features the weakest of races, but also incredibly high populations. Although there are some dangerous wildlife, most are mundane or easy to counter through simple magics and environmental hazards are few and far in between.

Further Reading



Primarily contributed by @fallenarkhein.

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