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From Beyond the Veil


  • Difficulty To Work With: Usually Beginner; Beastfolk are generally simplistic to work with, however, their difficulty is usually proportional to whatever Humanoid variant they're mixed with, so they can be more complex if they are not Human-based. Their culture is generally easy to work with, as is their magic, so they're decently beginner friendly in spite of that.
  • Permissions: Beastfolk in and of themselves do not require permission, however, if they are specifically descended from a Humanoid species that requires permission, then they will require permission from staff.
  • Activity: Depends on the Kaiju they are related to.
  • Languages: Virjabron, as well as usually any language spoken by their Humanoid ancestor.
  • Major Faiths: Fyjra, Selira, and various other nature Gods tend to be the most popular, although they might worship other Gods depending on the non-Kaiju parent.
  • Regions: All except Tir'anor.
  • Courting: Beastfolk tend to reflect their Kaiju parentage in that their preferences for courting vary dramatically from Beastfolk to Beastfolk— many are ambiamorous, however, and tend to be more likely to choose relationships for love than their Kaiju relatives might have.
  • Major Cultural Notes: Beastfolk generally form tight-knit clans, however, some may choose to be more solitary depending on the natural inclination they might have due to their heritage. They deeply respect the natural world and many seek to work with various flora and fauna, resulting in Beastfolk oftentimes possessing a menagerie of pets or plants that they tend to. Beastfolk tend to struggle with managing their instincts and Therianthropes are notably prone to lashing out at others, as their curse affects their ability to control their anger.


Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=


Average Threat Level



(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)

Body Variations


Hubestia, sometimes known as Ferian Beastfolk (or as Kemonomimi within Furukame), are a particular type of True Beastfolk who are relatively humanoid— they exhibit fewer traits than Antrobestia do of their Kaiju heritage, traditionally in the form of the likes of patches of feathers, fur, scales, or chitin; animalistic tails; bestial ears instead of humanoid ones; wings or additional limbs; and certain small attributes like mandibles that are concealed within their mouth, claws, fangs, gills, and the like. Beyond these traits, they resemble their humanoid relatives almost entirely, taking on humanoid face-shapes, body proportions, diets, anatomy, and mostly bare skin. Hubestia are quite populous within most nations of Asla'nir and are humanoids that feature anywhere from one-sixteenth to one-eight Kaiju blood, although some very minor attributes may remain even within those with a great-great-great Kaiju grandparent, as rare as it is, and are so few that those people are not classified as Beastfolk. Hubestia generally exhibit less traits and less of the magic of their Kaiju ancestors than Antrobestia do culturally, as well— most take up values of their humanoid parents, rather than their Kaijin ones, and thus, any personality traits that might have been influenced by the same magics that influenced the personality of their Kaiju ancestors or any instincts have likely been diminished to near unrecognizability. Hubestia, particularly those derived from Humans, are also amongst the most tolerated of races, even by the most staunch of racists— most find Hubestias' amicability to be contaigious, as whilst many Antrobestia with predatory ancestors might exhibit signs of aggression still, Hubestia share the temperaments of their humanoid parentage. Hubestia are oftentimes integrated into the societies of their humanoid relatives and their nations rather than the same clans as their Antrobestia kin oftentimes inhabit, however, some still are— many, moreover, outside of Aloernarch do not serve the Kaiju Monarch like some Antrobestia do.




Known as False Beastfolk, Werebeasts, or Shifters, Therianthropes are those who possess the curse of therianthropy, a curse long believed to have been produced by the corruption of Selirian witches and Fyjran druids by N'ghora and to have spread across portions of Asla'nir throughout the past several million years. Therianthropes, although not true Beastfolk, generally get regarded amongst their number due to their bestial nature and the fact that they often intermingle with their societies— scorned throughout much of the world due to their inability to control themselves readily without many, many years of adjustment to their curse and their tendency towards outrage, there are very few nations that tolerate them, however, Beastfolk have historically been quite acceptant of them. Certain nations, such as Udoxa, Vasterioth, Aloernarch, and Fydrassi are generally tolerant of them, however. They often hide amongst Beastfolk communities, as most can readily pose as a Hubestia or an Antrobestia with enough effort, although Therianthropes are distinguishable from both due to certain differences in anatomy, such as the fact that they have the builds and the features of their species when half-transformed (whereas most Antrobestia have digitigrade limbs that Therianthropes particularly lack) and their full transformation generally making them appear like unusually large beasts. Therianthropes can be of any species, although the likelihood of catching the disease seems to be greater in humanoid species, rather than non-humanoid species and its effectiveness in fully taking over seems to rely upon similar metrics as well. In order to obtain therianthropy, one must be bitten by a Therianthrope on a full moon (which may be of varying difficulty depending on the therianthrope in question) and survive the entire night as well as the first transformation, which is traditionally quite fatal. Some people are rarely born with therianthropy, although this generally occurs rarely only when both parents are therianthropes and one cannot be possess more than one plague curse, like vampirism. The form they take is based upon their demeanour— the animal they take up the form of is almost entirely based upon their personality and they can take the form of almost any animal, although it is generally that of a vertebrate or complex invertebrates.  

Sangre Variants

All true Beastfolk (as in, those who are not Therianthropes) hail from a particular type of Kaiju— this Kaiju defines their appearance, their culture, their diet, and their magic more often than not.


Descended from the Ketosa or the Sea-Kaiju, Ketosan, Sea Beastfolk. or Ketan Beastfolk are specifically related to those who were strictly adapted to residing within and alongside bodies of water. Chiefly aquatic or coastal, Ketosan Beastfolk have specific adaptations for residing within and around the water— they often are finned or have webbed digits; usually possess gills; and may have the ability to be electroreceptive or echolocate depending on the type of diet they have, as Ketosan Beastfolk can be carnivorous, omnivorous, or herbivorous, with electroreception being more common in carnivores and the other two diets generally resulting in Ketosan Beastfolk who can echolocate. Almost all Ketosan Beastfolk utilise Unda in order to swim faster than other Beastfolk and many well adapted Ketosan with sufficient Kaiju blood naturally reach speeds that can be comparable to Merfolk. Many describe Ketosan Beastfolk as being akin to Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes, certain types of reptile, marine mammals, and various sea-birds or species that reside close to and within water. Ketosan Beastfolk, however, are specifically not akin to invertebrate species, although there are certainly Kanathosan Beastfolk who reside close to and within water all the same. Due to how much Ketosa vary, Ketosan Beastfolk oftentimes vary as well— due to their hybridisation, most have some humanoid sensibilities that many Ketosa do not, as many Ketosa Kaiju do not particularly partake in child-rearing, however, Ketosan Beastfolk still vary dramatically in sentiments. Some prefer to live in larger communities or in small clans, whereas others prefer to be solitary, purely living alongside their close relatives; some are relatively peaceful whereas others are quite territorial; and it entirely depends on the temperament of the type of Ketosa they hail from— their natural access to water magic results in them having mercurial temperaments, as Ketosan Beastfolk can range from as tranquil as a still pond to as temperamental as the rolling tides of the sea. Still, they are pragmatic and calculated, with a keen intellect that is honed over time. Ketosan Beastfolk generally wield Elementum Creo and are known for their potent water or sound magics, although some Keta have been known for rarely having access to Viva Caelatura if they possess a Protean ancestry.


Related to the Bhehmosa Kaiju, otherwise known as Earth-Kaiju, Bhehmosan Beastfolk, or Earth Beastfolk, are amongst the most diverse of the Sangre variants, with most Beastfolk being Bhehmosan Beastfolk— Bhehmosan Beastfolk are primarily defined by hailing from vertebrate Kaiju who do not have specialised adaptations for water, sky, or burrowing deep within the earth and that category encompasses most Kaiju quite readily. There are, however, certain semi-arthropodic Bhehmosans or avian Bhehmosans as well that are incapable of flight, not as capable, or not adapted to particular extremes, however, arthropodic Bhehmosans are quite rare and most are classified as Kanathosan. Due to their variety, Bhehmosan Kaiju can appear akin to reptilians, mammals, or amphibians readily, as almost any land-based vertebrate qualifies. There are four major clades within the Bhehmosan Beastfolk, each seperated based on diet— the amicable Rhem-Bhehmosan Beastfolk who are predominantly herbivorous and feast upon flora; the predatory, fanged Fehn-Bhehmosans, who are carnivorous or sometimes omnivorous; the wise Mhani-Bhehmosans who can absorb ambient mana from their surroundings and consume magic itself; and the patient Atala-Bhehmosans, who are lithovoric and oftentimes have bits of stone and crystal embedded into their flesh. Most Bhehmosan are decently social, forming extensive clans and integrating into civilisation, however, some are solitary, although it is quite uncommon. They range dramatically in temperament, as their mana changes their mentality, and, as such, so do their priorities and goals. The Rhem-Bhehmosans possess a natural regenerative factor that enables them to slowly recover from wounds; the Fehn-Bhehmosans oftentimes possess the ability to manipulate light to conceal themselves or as part of their courting rituals; the Mhani-Bhehmosans have the ability to absorb mana and restrict the mana of others through Sculpturia; and the Atala-Bhehmosans possess the ability to harden their skin to varying degrees of durability depending on their age. Bhehmosa are generally known for their tendency to have a wide array of forms of Elementum Creo in contrast to other variants, which oftentimes have specific ones that they utilise; some, additionally, utilise Natura Animi, however, the type of Natura Animi used varies from Beastfolk to Beastfolk— A Fehn-Bhehmosan might use it to amplify their physique whilst hunting for food whereas a Rhem-Bhehmosan might use it to grow crops to sustain themselves.


Related to the Imdugosa Kaiju, otherwise known as Sky-Kaiju, Imdugosan or Sky Beastfolk, are chiefly aerial and have adaptations for higher altitudes and flight. Some other forms of Kaiju can fly, however, the Imdugosa spend almost their entire lives in the air. Whilst most Imdugosan are not guaranteed to have the hollow bones of their Kaiju ancestors, most have wings of some sort, although they can be leathery, scaled, membranous with hollow tubes, or feathered; and some have sturdy exoskeletons that protect their bodies. Most Imdugosan Beastfolk are naturally capable of flight— most utilise air magic in order to obtain flight like their Kaijin brethren do, as those who lack hollow bones would be otherwise unable to fly and their wingspans are not always substantial enough to grant them flight readily. Imdugosan have the ability to more easily absorb oxygen from their surroundings, enabling them to live in higher elevations where oxygen is more sparse, although they are not quite as effective as their Kaiju ancestors— they generally have a tolerance for colder temperatures as well, albeit not always. Whilst the Imdugha spend much of their time in the air, their descendants do not inherently do so— instead, most Imdugosan clans live in homes constructed across the canopies of trees, on the plateaus and cliffs of mesas, and upon rolling hills and immense mountains. Imdugosan prize intellect and elegance, however, their natural attunement with various air-related magics, such as Caelus or Tempestas makes most seem rather fickle and mercurial in comparison to other Beastfolk— they strive for excellence and should they make their way into wider civilisation, as they are often explorers, not inherently sticking to one nation,and they oftentimes make efforts to demonstrate their worthiness to others. Most Imdugosan Beastfolk have a natural knack for producing forms of fog, mist, and clouds— they can walk upon them and imbue them with special properties, oftentimes utilising their access to Natura Animi to produce toxic fogs or healing mists that can assist their allies and hinder their foes.




Descended from the Quimeriddo, Quimeridden, otherwise known as Chimeric Beastfolk, are quite distinctive for taking on what appears akin to an array of beasts combined into one form. Due to Quimeriddo being notably more social and amicable, as well as more widespread, Quimeridden Beastfolk are amongst the most common in Asla'nir. Chimeras are oftentimes the result of crossbreeds a long time ago between one of the magnificent titans and another species, with the more common cases being variants of Draconians, Protean, and a wide variety of other fantastical creatures, and thus, Chimeric Beastfolk are generally a blend of several bloodlines, rather than merely Kaiju. As a result, it can be very difficult to classify Chimera (as well as Chimeric Beastfolk) due to their wide array of features— some have specific names, such as Grifon, oftentimes called Gryphons, Heiracosphinxes, Crosphinxes, or Pixiu, which are feline-like creatures with distinctive avian qualities, such as wings or beaks; however, most are simply described by their category. Some Beastfolk may even seem akin to almost entirely normal animals with a few out-of-place traits, such as the likes of so-called Pegusi and Woppertingers. Much like Chimera, Quimeridden Beastfolk have lacklustre elemental magic, however, they oftentimes have a knack for essence magics, such as Imperium Mentis— they also have a minor resistance to magic in general, much like Chimeras, however, this resistance can only handle a few spells, oftentimes of middling or minor potency before it is overwhelmed.

Region of Origin

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment



(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Social Attitudes and Etiquette

(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
Variant (Insert Form)
  • Discuss the magic types and racials given to each variant.
  • Discuss what type of magical resistance they have and the extent of it.
  • Discuss what type of magical weaknesses they have and the extent of it.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    (Put your username here, as well as anyone who helped you come up with the concept. E.G. Primarily contributed by: W Original concept by: X Adjustments made by: Y (Minor, Major, Moderate) additions made by: Z You get the picture.)

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