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From Beyond the Veil


Greater Draconian

  • Difficulty To Work With: Advanced; can be complex to make due to power-scaling, the sheer number of variants, and the intricacy in their culture.
  • Permissions: Due to all forms being Rare at a minimum, Greater Draconians require staff permission.
  • Activity: Can be awake at all times, but most variants lean diurnal or cathermal, but some variants are nocturnal.
  • Languages: Xalnoral.
  • Major Faiths: Arikar, their Creation Goddess; Ki, her lover; and Enyomirak, Arikar's daughter and the Dragon Queen.
  • Regions: All except Tir'anor.
  • Courting: Polyamorous; they seek out mates that are innately powerful magically or physically and can help them successfully rear young and never marry. A partner is referred to as a Consort and Greater Draconians rarely seek out partners for the sake of love.
  • Major Cultural Notes: Greater Draconians serve the Draconian Court— they ignore local laws and only abide by the laws of the Dragon Queen. Draconians are highly literate and educated, with most understanding how to read, write, and rudimentary mathematics at a minimum. They live in large communities referred to as Broods, which are structured by Weyr, although somewhat older adults may wander from their Broods to seek out their own mate to start their own Brood. Draconians are matriarchial and those born female or intersex are naturally larger, however, Draconians are sexfluid.

Lesser Draconian

  • Difficulty To Work With: Intermediate; there are some intricacies in its variants and culture that can be difficult to work with.
  • Permissions: Lesser Draconians only require staff permission if they are Krysthend or Svantraamik Vekmurth. All other variants can be made without inquiring with staff.
  • Activity: Most variants lean diurnal or cathermal, but some variants are nocturnal.
  • Languages: Xalnoral, as well as usually any language spoken by their Humanoid ancestor.
  • Major Faiths: Arikar, their Creation Goddess; Ki, her lover; and Enyomirak, Arikar's daughter and the Dragon Queen.
  • Regions: All except Tir'anor.
  • Courting: Polyamorous; they are more likely to seek out partners for the sake of love, but usually seek out Draconic partners. A partner is referred to as a Consort.
  • Major Cultural Notes: Lesser Draconians often also serve the Draconian Court— they may ignore local laws and only abide by the laws of the Dragon Queen. Draconians are highly literate and educated, with most understanding how to read, write, and rudimentary mathematics at a minimum. They live in large communities referred to as Broods, which are structured by Weyr. Whilst Lesser Draconians themselves cannot start a Brood, they guard Broods, tend to the eggs within them, and assist the Greater Draconians of the Brood in exchange for food, support, and protection. Lesser Draconians are similarly matriarchial like Greater Draconians, but most are not sexfluid and the size difference is less substantial between sexes.


Widely considered one of the most elusive and yet one of the most widespread races, Draconians have been long understood to be representative of power— versatile, mystically potent, cunningly strategic, and endurant, many fear the Draconian people. Truly, they embody their creation Goddess, Arikar, in many, many ways— and for that reason, I seek to study them. With their two dozen Vinthraturi and thirteen variants, assuming one considers the Lesser Draconian to be classified amongst them, they are one of the most adaptable and interesting species, in my mind— and whilst I am uncertain as to whether or not I will be able to return from the mythical Land of Dragons, I hope that my findings will be discovered and proven useful in the study of their people.
- The remnant of a researcher's journal

Born of her body and blood, we rose up in her name as her children— we hope to honour the Goddess of Stratagem with every act we take.
Born to explore and roam across this world's rich wilderness, to improve our civilisation, we march forth across Asla'nir in plenty.
Born to become something greater, to achieve enlightenment in the name of our Goddess, we study, we adapt.
In her name and in the name of our forebearers and our Queen, we shall overcome any force that threatens us.
We shall walk upon this earth, swim in its seas, and soar in its skies in the name of all Draconians before us and all there ever will be.
- An ancient text translated from Xalnoral.

Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
All Vsh'moktakdra and Vsh'kmektakdra. Vsh'takdra Universal True Name Although many would translate Vsh'takdra to mean 'true Draconian' or 'greater Draconian' in Xalnoral, Vsh'takdra is a simplified derivative of Urivik'takdra, which means 'prime Draconian' or 'proto-Draconian,' and the word 'Vushsuran,' meaning 'children,' implying Vsh'takdra to be the children of the original Draconians.
Mukot'tak, Drakmek'tak, and Dramok'tak. Mok'takdra Universal True Name Translating quite literally to 'small Draconian' or even, 'lesser Draconian' depending on the translator, Mok'takdra is a universal term used by other speakers of Xalnoral to refer to half-breed Draconians.
Vsh'takdra, traditionally, although Mok'takdra variants are often nicknamed after it. Dragon Universal Common Name Pulls from a series of words in the ancient Isigkirian dialect of Imperialis— Drákōn, meaning Draconian, and Dérkomai, meaning 'to see.' The latter is a reference to their latent soulsight, an unusual magic to naturally possess amongst mortals.
All Vsh'moktakdra and Vsh'kmektakdra. Greater Draconian Universal Common Name Pulled directly from the translation generally given to Vsh'takdra by non-native speakers.
Mukot'tak, Drakmek'tak, and Dramok'tak. Lesser Draconian Universal Common Name Pulled directly from the translation generally given to Mok'takdra by non-native speakers.
All Scale Scum Universal Derogatory Term A common slur used for Draconic and Reguluian races.
Fire-Breathing Vinthraturi variants. Coal-Breath Universal Derogatory Term In reference to their racial ability to exhale fire and smoke.



Draconian, Humanoid, Dependent on Humanoid Parent


Draconian, Humanoid, Very Rare

Svantraamik Vekmurth

Draconian, Humanoid, Extremely Rare



Draconian, Non-Humanoid, Very Rare

Svantraamik Vekmurth

Draconian, Non-Humanoid, Extremely Rare

Other Variants

Draconian, Non-Humanoid, Rare



Draconian, Non-Humanoid, Very Rare

Svantraamik Vekmurth

Draconian, Non-Humanoid, Extremely Rare

Other Variants

Draconian, Non-Humanoid, Rare

Average Threat Level


Dependent on Humanoid Parent


Usually moderate to Extremely High— depends on age.


Usually moderate to Extremely High— depends on age.



Body Variations


Literally translating to 'little Draconian,' Mok'takdra or Mok'tak is the broad term for 'Lesser Draconians,' a broad clade of races generally congealed into three major categories, each of which is based upon their size and the amount of Draconian blood that they possess. Mok'takdra are known for coming in a wide array of forms— they may be akin to a draconian but feature a humanoid torso rising up from what would otherwise be their shoulders and neck or they may be fully bipedal. Bipedal Mok'takdra can have digitigrade or plantigrade legs, however, typically one will find that Drakmek'tak and Dramok'tak generally feature digitigrade legs whereas Mukot'tak generally feature plantigrade legs. Mok'takdra are innately humanoid mortal races intermingling with Vsh'takdra— be they Human, Fae, Elf, Kjir, Giants, or otherwise and thus, tend to be limited by the physical capabilities of those races. Mok'takdra always feature traits dependent on the Vsh'takdra they are related to— for example, a Drakmek'tak related to a Lurna'takdra may have multiple draconic heads and will generally lack wings.


Lesser Draconians that are predominantly humanoid, Mokot'tak, literally, 'humanoid Half-Dragon,' Mukot'tak usually possess the least amount of Draconian blood out of all Draconians— they are generally around a quarter to a sixteenth Draconian, although, some may be half if they are quadrupedal. Mukot'tak predominantly take on the form of their Humanoid relative with some degree of Draconic features— this may include claws or talons, digitigrade legs, patches of scales, sharp teeth, horns, tails, reptilian eyes, or any array of traits taken upon as a result of the variant of Draconian their parent is, such as gills, multiple heads, wings instead of arms, so on and so forth. As such, Mukot'tak are a rather variable people and their mixed humanoid ancestries result in an even greater diversity in appearance. Although not all Mukot'tak are integrated into Draconian society, those that are are often involved in many of the same acts as their other Lesser Draconian brethren— they often assist in managing broods, taking care of eggs, and maintaining the shared homes of the Draconians they live alongside. Although Mukot'tak are not inherently viewed as weaker than their brethren, their softer flesh and lack of scales makes them generally considered at a disadvantage in combat by their kin and most go out of their way to guard and protect them. Mukot'tak are the most often mimicked humanoid form by Greater Draconians, and as such, it can be difficult to determine externally by most outsiders the difference between a Mukot'tak or a Greater Daconian on first glance.


Sometimes referred to as 'Dragonkin,' Drakmek'tak have similar names to Dramok'tak as they appear very similar to Kobolds— Drak'mektak are generally related to larger Humanoid races, such as Humans. Drakmek'tak, like their Dramok'tek relatives, generally feature much greater Draconic blood and whilst they are generally defined as those who appear fully Draconic but have more humanoid builds, some quadrupedal Mukot'tak are regarded as Drakmek'tak since the general standard for what defines a Drakmek'tak is being specifically half-Vsh'takdra and larger than a Dramok'tak. Drakmek'tak usually serve Vsh'takdra, but are more known for wandering about the world than Dramok'tak and usually live in humanoid-style families rather than in large clans. Despite that, Drakmek'tak usually serve as guardians of Vsh'takdrak broods and caretakers when their Greater Draconian relatives are not capable of tending to all of their eggs, whereas Dramok'tak usually serve in less physically difficult tasks, such as serving as scouts or performing maintenance of their shared homes and dens. Generally, quadrupedal Drakmek'tak technically have up to three-quarters Draconic blood instead. Dragonkin are almost entirely Draconic— they generally feature fully scaled bodies, draconic tails, fully reptilian-like maws, claw-like hands and feet, and digitigrade legs. Like other Mok'takdra, their appearances vary depending on the Vsh'takdra they share relations with— they may feature wings instead of arms like Wyverns; hooves for feet like Kirin; or even multiple heads, each with set of gills like a Hydra. Drakmek'tak are usually slightly larger than Mukot'tak and feature greater physique and more innate potential in wielding their Draconic bloodline's magic. Their build and height is based upon which humanoid they are related to, however, they generally feature more pronounced musculature.


Known as 'Kobolds,' Dramok'tak are related to smaller variants of Humanoid races, such as the likes of certain Fae or even Goblinoids. By nature, Dramok'tak are cunning, intelligent, yet almost happy-go-lucky— they are oftentimes servants to Vsh'takdra, yet treated like members of their family or even their own children. This may be in part, however, to most young Draconians learning how to shapeshift into Kobolds first before they practice other races. Kobolds usually serve in less physically difficult tasks, such as serving as scouts or performing maintenance of their shared homes and dens— they rarely serve as guards or manage eggs, but if the Vsh'takdrak in question is smaller, they may tend to eggs as well. Although Dramok'tak traditionally age slightly faster and may live shorter lives in some cases, Dramok'tak maintain a youthful mindset throughout much of their life. Many characterise them as having a similar fascination with collecting objects like their Vsh'takdra relatives and they often bring them to Greater Draconians as 'offerings' or 'gifts.' This often results in them being stereotyped as having an almost possessive nature that seeks out shiny objects. They have unusually large eyes and petite frames, but feature many of the same features of their closely related Drakmek'tak relatives— fully scaled bodies, draconic tails, fully reptilian-like maws, claw-like hands and feet, and digitigrade legs. Like other Mok'takdra, their appearances vary depending on the Vsh'takdra they share relations with— they may feature wings instead of arms like Wyverns; hooves for feet like Kirin; or even multiple heads, each with set of gills like a Hydra. Their build and height is based upon which humanoid they are related to, however, they generally feature more pronounced musculature. Their magical potency is considerably less than most other Mok'takdra, however, their propensity for learning, surprising endurance, and decent physique for a race of their size results in a rather impressive combatant in many scenarios, especially since they generally live in groups and swarm opponents.


Generally native to lands outside of Aloernarch, Vshmok'takdra are types of Vsh'takdra, or 'greater Draconian,' that are innately smaller and are considered derivative of their Vshkmek'takdra kin. They are also frequently called Demi-Draconians or Demi-Dragons. It is believed that when Arikar shaped the original Draconians, the first Vshkmek'takdra were produced from her chopping off parts of her body; however, the Vshmok'takdra are believed to have been merely produced from the smallest parts. Most modern scholars believe that Vshmok'takdra are the result of Vshkmek'takdra evolving to their localised environments, their forms compressing and modifying to better suit their ecosystems and limited access to food. Despite their smaller sizes, Demi-Draconians are still powerful and are revered by many as symbols of power and luck, especially in certain nations, like Karitai. For many individuals, most will only encounter a Vshmok'takdra, as most Vshkmek'takdra are considerably rarer, especially in nations that do not have an abundance of Vis Stellae or ambient manas. Within nations that do feature such things, however, even Vshmok'takdra will be considerably larger, with some being close in size to Vshkmek'takdra.


Literally translating to 'no-limb demi-dragon,' Nuikjoikov'dra, otherwise known as 'Wyrms' are rare within Aloernarch but quite common throughout much of the world. Entirely limbless and wingless, Nuikjoikov'dra are almost akin to Regului in build. Believed to be the result of Netia'takdra who migrated to land, these flightless Draconians move by slithering, making them slower than many of their kin, but still undeniably potent. It is believed that Wyrms first developed in underwater caverns, where losing their limbs would be ideal for navigation, until they eventually began to migrate to the surface. They are largely subterranean and thus, it is not unheard of for some Nuikjoikov'dra who live deep underground to be blind and thus rely on their magical sight for seeing— Nuikjoikov'dra have unusually potent soulsight and are excellent burrowers, enabling them to almost 'swim' through sand should they hail from deserts or shores. Nuikjoikov'dra are notably venomous, although their venom mostly serves to exacerbate and worsen the bleeding as a result of their bites and make their prey weaker before eventually paralysing them. Their bodies are long and serpentine, with thick muscles and flexible scales that enable their movement. Nuikjoikov'dra do have the capacity to swim and are naturally graceful swimmers— should they learn the ability to levitate like their Svalou'takdra kin, they possess excellent flexibility, although, are notably not particularly fast at either.


Believed to be the result of Nuiksva'dra and Nuikjoikov'dra intermixing, Darjoikovik'dra are serpentine, albeit limbed Draconians oftentimes called Lindwyrms. Darjoikovik'dra translates roughly to 'serpentine, limbed demi-dragon,' fitting their natural appearance— Lindwyrms have a long, serpentine body and are land-based, much like Wyrms, but traditionally have at least one set of limbs. These limbs traditionally protrude to the sides instead of directly coming from underneath the Draconian, resulting in a distinct walking pattern and greater body support, albeit a reduced walking speed, although, this is not always the case. Darjoikovik'dra who are native to regions with water and reside in it may have slightly thinner skin than other Draconians— this makes them far more fragile, but gives them the ability to breathe through their skin. Most, however, are entirely land-based and reside in regions like deserts— these Darjoikovik'dra have incredibly thick scaling that serves them well in defending them from predators. Darjoikovik'dra naturally possess an uncanny ability to consume rocks, even without being a Gemstone Draconian or another variant that naturally consumes rocks, and those that do will develop patches of rocks across their body, increasing their durability. Darjoikovik'dra have naturally excellent flexibility and are capable of maneuvering through tight spaces, albeit, not as easily as their Nuikjoikov'dra kin.


Featuring no legs but one or more sets of wings, Nuikjoiransva'dra, otherwise known as Ampitheres, are predominantly found in higher altitude regions due to being predominantly aerial in nature. Their name literally translates to 'no-leg sky demi-dragon' due to their appearance. Due to their wings oftentimes inhibiting proper slithering like their Wyrm kin, Nuikjoiransva'dra prefer to remain within the air at all times in order to maximize their mobility. Due to their lack of limbs, Ampitheres are decently streamlined and thus suited for flight and their flexibility makes them excellent aerial hunters. Their wings are specially built to enable them to be bent slightly further than normally possible in order to accommodate land-based travel, however, most Nuikjoiransva'dra would rather simply take on a humanoid form for simplicity. Nuikjoiransva'dra are well adapted to spend most of their time in the air, although they are better adapted for sudden dives and turns rather than endurance. Nuikjoiransva'dra possess the unique ability to turn themselves invisible or modify their appearance by manipulating light across their body— this is crucial for communication with their own kind, as Ampitheres will communicate silently through changing colour or patterns briefly during hunts or to convey complex feelings without words. Ampitheres are amongst the most abundant form of aerial Draconian on Asla'nir, although their ability to manipulate light enables them to camouflage well, making them a rarer sight than one might anticipate.


Eilajoiransva'dra, otherwise known as Wyverns, are predominantly distinguished by the presence of a set of back legs, with their front legs being replaced by wings, typically with a claw-like protrusion that enables them to grip to surfaces. Beyond that, Eilajoiransva'dra have long, usually stinger tipped tails or thagomizers that are notably venomous, with the venom traditionally featuring both hemotoxic and neurotoxic properties although this venom is usually processed out of the body quite quickly. Their talons and fangs can also be venomous, although this is generally not a common attribute found amongst them, especially those that are the result of mixing between various Draconian subspecies. Eilajoiransva'dra venom is generally toxic to non-Draconians to consume, although most Draconians can generally consume envenomed prey, although it may upset their stomach depending on the concentration of the venom. Eilajoiransva'dra are slightly larger than most other Vshmok'takdra, putting them roughly on par with most Drakes, and are rather rare, mostly found in more distal regions of nations where there is still an abundance of wilderness with access to larger or more abundant prey, making them rare sights. Eilajoiransva'dra tend to be predominantly aerial, as they usually have difficulty manoeuvring rapidly on the ground, although it can be done with significant clearance, as they need to be able to raise their wings in order to properly sprint.


Pulled from the words 'Nuik' and 'Sva,' Nuiksva'dra literally means 'no-sky demi-dragon.' Nuiksva'dra are a particularly potent type of Draconian known for being unusually large for Vshmok'takdra. Although some might have vestigal wings, Nuiksva'dra cannot fly like some other Vshkmek'takdra— as a result, they have adapted to reside entirely on the ground. Nuiksva'dra are believed to spawn from the talons of Arikar— this is certainly for good reason, as Nuiksva'dra have unusually large, powerful claws and their physical bulk makes them rather remarkable fighters. Nuiksva'dra oftentimes feature unusually large amount of spikes or plating along their spine; four to six sturdy, robust legs; and larger jaws built for crushing prey, comparable to some sauropods. They are usually quite stocky and may feature spiked or club-like tails, although those who are traditionally found near bodies of lakes have more rudder-like tails. Quite a few Nuiksva'dra have the ability to leap rather considerable distances, meaning that they can snatch some prey out of midair, but most are known for their distinctly unique soulsight— most Draconians have the ability to witness souls, however, Nuiksva'dra can see the trails of the auras of those they stalk for far longer than most other Draconians, allowing them to track their prey within climates that would otherwise obscure their vision. Nuiksva'dra are studied by some as they are believed to be the result of the likes of Urivik'takdra mixing with Lurna'takdra and thus, they feature a slight regenerative factor, although for most, it simply enhances their healing outside of battle more than most species' natural regeneration. Nuiksva'dra have decent endurance and can maintain decent speeds for considerable periods of time, although they have a remarkable appetite the longer they keep moving— despite that, this enables certain Nuiksva'dra, such as those adapted to live close to water, to be able to swim or even run across the bottom of the body of water for longer periods than one might anticipate.


Qirin'dra, or, Kirin, are entirely native to Karitai and are denoted for their rather unusual appearances— they share remarkable similarities with Unicorns due to their distinctly equine builds, cloven hooves, and the likelihood of having a singular horn, although most Kirin have antlers. Despite having a rather unusual appaearance for a Draconian, Qirin'dra maintain their Draconic resemblances in many other ways— they feature the same reptilian maws, fangs, scaled bodies, and reptilian eyes. They are maned and are one of the few types of Draconian to naturally feature fur across their bodies, often featuring it in tufts close to joints. They are noted for having unusually long necks and shimmering, almost metallic scales regardless of their Vinthraturi. Qirin'dra are incredibly fast runners, although, due to the fact that they fly through the usage of levitation, they are somewhat slow fliers— they additionally possess the distinct ability to run across bodies of water as a result of their levitation abilities. Although Draconians can consume plant based products, it generally is not ideal for them, however, Qirin'dra are far more capable of omnivore than most Draconians and can graze, although, they need to consume substantially more food in order to meet their dietary requirements. Qirin'dra are revered as guardians throughout Karitai and, although rare, are outright worshipped by smaller communities as lesser deities and are oftentimes provided sacrifices and offerings.


Sometimes referred to as 'True Draconians,' Vshkmek'takdra are larger Greater Draconians that are believed to be the original four Draconian variants to be produced by Arikar, with later variations believed to have been produced at a later point or to be the result of their hybridisation. Vshkmek'takdra describe Arikar producing the original Vshkmek'takdra from one of her limbs and some other part of Arikar, which she regrew magically— they claim that this reinforced their connection to the Goddess and made them true children of Arikar. Vshkmek'takdra are generally more often found in regions with higher concentrations of ambient stellar manas or with larger prey options with the general exception of the Svalou'takdra, resulting in them being far rarer than their Vshmok'takdra kin. Due to Vshkmek'takdra generally growing larger than many Vshmok'takdra, they generally require a greater food intake and, as they get older, oftentimes require high concentrations of ambient stellar mana, meaning that Udoxa and Aloernarch are the only two regions fully capable of inhabiting them comfortably. Vshkmek'takdra are widely respected amongst Draconian kind due to their power, but are notably rarer than Vshmok'takdra, although they grow more common in regions like Udoxa and Aloernarch.


Otherwise known as Proto-Dragons, Urivik'takdra are believed to be the first Draconians produced by Arikar. Featuring four to six legs and at least one pair of wings, Urivik'takdra are generally thought by most scholars to be the ancestors of many Vshmok'takdra, as they are the only Vsh'kmektakdra with wings, which are traditionally membranous or scaled, although they can come in a wide array of shapes regardless. Urivik'takdra, however, are rather rare and are generally only found in regions with high concentrations of mana of any type, which is believed to be due to their innate draw towards mana, although not always— this is due to the fact that Urivik'takdra in particular feel especially weak far from sources of ambient mana and oftentimes feel sick in regions with less ambient mana. Urivik'takdra are thought to have the strongest soulsight amongst the Vshkmek'takdra, with many particularly old Urivik'takdra having fifth degree soulsight. Beyond this, they have a unique capability in detecting manas through Viva Caelatura, which is believed to be an adaptation held by ancestry Urivik'takdra who could feed upon such energies in order to empower their magics, a trait that most Urivik'takdra have long since lost, although some hold onto. Those that do have an unusually high resistance to stellar manas, even for Draconians, and are traditionally from regions of extremely high ambient mana, especially particularly destructive manas that would normally kill an average Draconian. Urivik'takdra are decently capable fliers, however, many are also capable of travelling across the ground, as well, making them decently versatile hunters, although many struggle to swim as well as some wingless Draconians.


Found predominantly in Karitai and Aloernarch, although many do wander across the skies of Asla'nir, Svalou'takdra are known for their long, serpentine bodies and their ability to levitate and walk across clouds, earning them the nickname of 'Cloud Serpent' or 'Sky Serpent.' Said to be made from a lock of Arikar's hair and one of her limbs, Svalou'takdra consider themselves to be explorers of the natural world and thus traverse its wilds, curious about the cultures, creatures, and flora they might encounter. Svalou'takdra are said to have a greater connection to the element of air than other Draconians and oftentimes have traits as a result of that connection— they are oftentimes considered quite fickle, spontaneous, and mercurial, even by those who revere them. They do not have wings like many other Draconic variants with flight, however, they have exceptional levitation that enables them to fly regardless. Svalou'takdra also have quite excellent soulsight, as it is traditionally rather long-ranged, which enables them to spot prey from much farther away than their ilk even in terrible weather conditions. Svalou'takdra are oftentimes worshipped in Karitai and are said to be minor deities who rule over the weather— this is due to Svalou'takdra being capable of producing simple clouds through the usage of Tempestas, which they oftentimes perch, sleep upon, or use to better enable their flight. Svalou'takdra may or may not have limbs, which can be odd in number; oftentimes have tufts of fur; whiskers; and usually a long, plumed tail. Many hunt mid-air, as they are not well suited for hunting on the ground, although they oftentimes rely on eating other sapient races as they get older.


Netia'takdra, otherwise known as Sea Serpents, are almost entirely aquatic, although they are not always Qumadonetia or Qumadokryste, instead varying depending on what underwater biome they hail from. They hail from various bodies of water and, in some rare cases, within substantially large enough magma pools. Netia'takdra are particularly adapted for the water, although they can slither onto land with varying degrees of efficiency depending on their anatomy. Netia'takdra are denoted, in particular, for having rather chaotic magic— although most are not users of Turbidus Probabilitas, their magic oftentimes seems to have a degree of probability to it. When particularly under duress, it oftentimes manifests itself in rather distinctive, volatile ways that have caused many to view them as a symbol of primordial chaos. Netia'takdra, do, however, have the benefit of their magics being well adapted for their aquatic homes— magic that would traditionally be hindered by the seas, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water they call home oftentimes work irregardless. For example, a Sifkhorar Netia'takdra's fire breath works underwater, with their fire magic in general seeming to become amplified by the presence of the water, acting as if it were oil being lit instead. Beyond having the ability to breathe underwater, Netia'takdra are streamlined, with well-adapted limbs, assuming they have any; fins; long, rudder-like tails; and no wings, which would otherwise hinder their ability to swim. This makes them excellent swimmers, but unable to fly and oftentimes subpar at travelling on land, providing them a distinct niche from their Draconian brethren. Their fins oftentimes have venom tipped spines, which they can extend at will, providing them ample defense should a predator attempt to attack them, but consequently oftentimes injuring themselves in the process.


Wingless, four to six-legged Draconians with anywhere from three to eight heads, Lurna'takdra, otherwise known as Hydra, are known for their unique blood— beyond its slightly acidic nature that wears down many types of weaker metals, Lurna'takdra's blood is capable of being affected by their other magics. For example, a fire-breathing Lurna'takdra may have flammable blood. By far the most exceptional property of the Hydra, however, is their regenerative factor— Lurna'takdra have an exceptional ability to recover from most injuries and wounds. Even minor internal organ damage, brain damage, missing heads, or paralysis can be recovered from, although it often takes weeks or months depending on the severity of the damage. Lurna'takdra possess the ability to breathe underwater additionally, however, they generally are semi-aquatic rather than truly aquatic, oftentimes taking up territories close to bodies of water. Each head has a neural center, although traditionally, one head at any point has control over the bulk of the body, with the other neural centers being controlled by this central brain— should that head be chopped off, one of the heads' neural centers will develop rapidly in order to replace it, however, the Hydra in question will be stunned for a few seconds or even several seconds. Despite having multiple neural centers, most Hydra have one consistent identity and personality state with very few exceptions beyond those with certain soul disorders or mental conditions— that being said, many Lurna'takdra find themselves needing greater amounts of food than many of their kin, as otherwise, they cannot support proper brain function.

Vinthraturi Variants


Lurnaik, otherwise known as 'Blooded' Draconians or True Chromatic Draconians, are the most common form of Draconian found within Asla'nir. This is predominantly due to the fact that Lurnaik do not rely on special conditions to thrive like their kin do, have less specialised diets, and can exist in regions with less ambient stellar mana far more readily than the likes of Krysthend and Kovausonet. They have solid, non-reflective, non-iridescent scaling of a given colour or tone and are almost always predominantly a single colour with very rarely any accenting ones. Their scales are composed of a form of specialised, hyperdurable keratin and whilst they are not nearly as prized as Krysthend and Kovausonet, they are quite durable within their own right and are capable of protecting Lurnaik. Lurnaik, whilst they do not inherently possess a remarkable regenerative factor beyond other mortal species, do have a decent regenerative factor that surpasses their kin and is slightly greater than most mortal species— Krysthend and Kovausonet oftentimes must consume rocks or metals in order to fully repair their scales and cannot readily recuperate. Lurnaik also naturally have the benefit in that Viscus Insero readily works on them— this allows them to be healed much easier than other Draconian variants as well, as they are fully flesh-and-blood. They are also slightly faster than their kin and have greater mobility in most circumstances.


Masters of fire magic, Sifkhorar Draconians, otherwise known as Red Draconians, hail from the Crimson Weyr and are native to volcanic regions, with even Sifkhorar Netia'takdra hailing from underwater volcanoes— they are predominantly found in Aloernarch, Udoxa, Aleria, Vasterioth, Karitai, Fydrassi, and Liranon. Their scale colours range from crimson to vermillion to wine, with the bulk of Sifkhorar having particularly vibrant scales across the red spectrum. Sifkhorar Draconians live in some of the harshest regions of Asla'nir and are capable of enduring high temperatures, with Red Vsh'takdra oftentimes being capable of swimming in the magma pools that compose their home. Much like their innate magic, Sifkhorar are a fiery, hotheaded sort— they are tempermental and territorial, oftentimes threatening those who would enter their domain with scorching flames. Although many Sifkhorar are capable of using Vulca as well to very limited degrees, Sifkhorar traditionally specialise in the simple art of pyromancy and utilise Ignis to produce potent flames that, when they strike, leave behind an obsidian-like residue that can shatter and inflict damage to their foes. Sifkhorar possess a flaming breath that has the same attributes as their traditional fire magics, capable of burning all that would dare to stand in their path. Sifkhorar are medium sized, with an Aloernarchian Urivik'takdra standing as high as twenty-nine feet (8.84 metres) to thirty-one feet (9.45 metres) to the shoulder when they reach five thousand years of age, although most non-Aloernarchian Sifkhorar are naturally much smaller.


Pink Draconians
Imperium Mentis, especially Mentis. Cause their opponents to become frozen in place, usually in fear with their breath, before they activate the spell, sending burning pain through their bodies. 28 to 30


Orange Draconians
Spew an fluid that catches fire and explodes shortly afterwards. Otherwise, they control Tempestas, which they can imbue with various effects and use to trick foes— especially due to their ability to tamper with light magic, albeit to a lesser degree than their Gemstone variant. 25 to 27


Yellow Draconians
Earth based magic— spew sandstorms from their mouth. 26 to 28


Green Draconians
Have a toxic breath that poisons foes. Use Natura Animi— best with life essence and plant based magic.
31 to 33


Tamers of the wild, Grovulfyri, otherwise known as Brown Draconians, are earthy-scaled Draconians who reside within the depths of forests across Asla'nir— they are found within every nation with the exception of Tir'anor and tend to reside close to World Trees and regions farthest from civilisation. Grovulfyri scales are often reminiscent of the trees they reside close to and the earthern caverns they burrow within— they range from soft chestnut to caramel to chocolate and are usually dull, lacking luster. Grovulfyri have a knack for nature magic— particularly, Viva and Belua. They use Viva to buff themselves and their allies, particularly with their breath, which has the interesting side effect of temporarily giving their allies slightly Draconic features during its duration, such as talons or even wings that enable miniscule amounts of flight if the effect is reapplied over and over— some Grovulfyri seem to be capable of amplifying the power of other Draconians greater than other mortal species, even. Through Belua, however, Grovulfyri can commune with the local animals within a region, which they summon to their aid in the midst of combat— if none are present, they form bestial spirits to assist them in defending themselves and the wilds they call home. Grovulfyri are moderately large in size in comparison to other Draconians, with an Aloernarchian Urivik'takdra standing as high as thirty-two feet (9.75 metres) to thirty-four feet (10.36 metres) to the shoulder when they reach five thousand years of age, although most non-Aloernarchian Sifkhorar are naturally much smaller.


Blue Draconians
Launch bursts of water, usually in the form of hardened spear-like projectiles or bubbles that deal knockback. 23 to 25


White Draconians
Produce blizzards from their maw. 24 to 26


Purple Draconians
Spew acid that eats through metals and flesh. Use similar acid for their spells. 35 to 37


Black Draconians
Spew necrotic magic that disentegrates external flesh and induces illness in foes. Use Pestis very effectively, but traditionally aren't the best at Mortis or Letum. 36 to 38


Krysthend Draconians, otherwise known as Gemstone Draconians or Crystalline Draconians, are oftentimes grouped with Chromatic Weyrs due to their similarities in magic, mentality, and colour. Krysthend Draconians have irridescent scaling and oftentimes have accenting colours that compliment their main hue. Krysthend Draconians are traditionally slightly larger or slightly smaller than their Lurnaik kin, with Svalkonakryste variants having drastic differences in size. Krysthend Draconians are generally native to regions with higher ambient quantities of stellar manas, and, thus, are almost entirely native to the various nations of Stellateria and Aloernarch, although, they can be found in areas with substantial quantities of other manas, like elemental manas as well, such as regions close to World Trees, or within Liranon or Fydrassi. As Krysthend Draconians age, their body begins to slowly convert to crystal— this is amplified by residing within regions of high stellar manas and by consuming rock, which Krysthend Draconians naturally feel compelled to do and composes a large portion of their diet. Krysthend Draconians are capable of launching their rock-like scales as a defense mechanism at surprising velocities in an effort to scare away predators in their youth, although, as they get older and their body fully crystalizes, they can instead 'shatter.' Elder Krysthend Draconians' shattering can allow them to effectively tear themselves asunder, usually painfully, and to reform in a new location, usually close by and oftentimes at random— they also shatter in order to shapeshift into humanoid forms, rather than shapeshifting by standard means, although, as they age, they oftentimes lose the ability to take on non-Draconic shapes. Krysthend Draconians are durable and hardy, although they are usually slower than other Draconians unless they purposefully partially shatter their body, making themselves remarkably fragile in the process.


Analogous to their Sifkhorar relatives as fellow members of the Crimson Weyr, Sifkkryste, known colloquially as Ruby Draconians or Garnet Draconians, are red-coloured Draconians native to volcanic regions, especially the cavern systems formed by volcanic vents. Much like their Sifkhorar kin, they are found in some areas of Aloernarch, Udoxa, Vasterioth, Fydrassi, and Liranon. Much like Sifkhorar, Sifkkryste are notoriously hotheaded and temperamental, although they are generally considered more volatile than their kin— still, they are passionate for their endeavours and innately confident, making them decently charismatic personalities. Sifkkryste are quite territorial, much like their Siffkhorar kin, although they generally tolerate outsiders slightly more, only repelling them if they think they are threatening or capable of competing with them in their niche. Sifkkryste are far more capable of utilising Vulca than Ignis— instead of spewing flames from their maw, they spew thick, soupy magma composed partially of the very rock they consume. When this magma cools, it forms large, crystalline structures that can be manipulated by the Sifkkryste in question readily afterwards— oftentimes, they shatter them, producing volatile explosions of glass that launch shrapnel into the bodies of their foes. Sifkkryste are moderate in size, with an Aloernarchian Urivik'takdra standing as high as thirty feet (9.14 metres) to thirty-two feet (9.75 metres) to the shoulder when they reach five thousand years of age, although most non-Aloernarchian Sifkhorar are naturally much smaller.


Spinel Draconians
Manipulate the emotions of people with their breath and lull them to sleep, making them drowsy and relaxed with their breath. 27 to 29


Topaz Draconians
Produce elaborate illusions with their breath— usually, this comes in the form of a large spear-like projectile that they fling like Citrine Draconians. 26 to 28


Citrine Draconians
Charge and then produce a large projectile of earth within their maw, which they fling like a railgun shot. 25 to 27


Emerald Draconians
Heal with their breath. Good supports with the ability to manipulate plants. 30 to 32


Agate Draconians
Cleanse debuffs with their breath. Are excellent at controlling and taming beasts. 33 to 35


Sapphire Draconians
Launch pressurized beams of water. 22 to 24


Diamond Draconians
Have aetheric breath. Also pretty nasty. 25 to 27


Iolite Draconians
Induce hallucinations with their breath and debuff foes— the breath attack has an acidic property that wears down armours and flesh to a lesser degree, but is mostly denoted for playing upon the fears of one's enemies. 34 to 36


Obsidian Draconians
Have voidic based breath. Pretty nasty stuff. 37 to 39

Seluhir Svalkonakryste

White Opal Draconians
Produce a cold beam with a blend of ice based magic, Luna, and Viva Caelatura— very cold, causes 'frostbite' in the form of nasty burns, and repels enemies. 38 to 40

Kinyoael Svalkonakryste

Black Opal Draconians
Have 'flames' composed partially of Sol that burns foes with Sol and deals temperature based damage to objects. Produce a nasty, toxic smoke.
nineteen feet (5.79 metres) to twenty-one feet (6.40 metres)

Svantraamik Vekmurth

Brought to near extinction around ten thousand years ago, Svantraamik Vekmurth Draconians, otherwise known as Lightning Ridge Draconians, are an ancient variant, considered sacred to the Draconian people. Lightning Ridges have predominantly mixed greyscale scaling, traditionally a blend of black and white, with iridescent, vibrant accent colours that come across the rainbow in colouration, with their greyscale scales being slightly tinted towards whichever colour they take on. Historically, Lightning Ridge Draconians have been leaders of the Draconian community due to their belief that they were made to represent Arikar herself and the power of the eclipse, however, after a genocide that sought to harness their mystical might through cruel experimentation, they were driven to near extinction. The original Lightning Ridges were believed to be demigods of Arikar, although most in the modern era, as rare as they are, are the hybrid children of a Kinyoael Svalkonakryste and a Seluhir Svalkonakryste— for this reason, they are believed to have a natural attunement to Divine magics, which is shown in the form of their magic. When Svantraamik Verkmurth Draconians are young, they manipulate Fulmen, but after thousands of years, they become capable of manipulating a raw, plasma like substance in the form of Divina, which they wield with proficiency and shares the properties of Fulmen magic. This plasma is particularly interesting for its ability to charge magitech devices, although most Draconians do not produce magitech themselves— it is oftentimes described as either very cold or very hot, inflicting harsh burns and being capable of stunning foes. Svantraamik Vekmurth are incredibly large in size, with an Aloernarchian Urivik'takdra standing as high as thirty-eight feet (11.58 metres) to forty feet (12.19 metres) to the shoulder when they reach five thousand years of age, although most non-Aloernarchian Sifkhorar are naturally much smaller.


Seperated into their own Weyr, Kovausonet, or Metallic Draconians, are naturally a soft, dull grey in colouration, however, as they mature, they consume various raw ores and metals— they are named after the main metal that they have managed to consume. They are found in any nation with the exception of Tir'anor where there are thick deposits of metals, although they are much, much more common in areas with high quantities of mana, much like their Krysthend Draconian relatives. When Kovausonet consume metals, they become incorporated into their scales— as they consume more and more, their scales gradually cease to simply be composed of keratin and slowly convert to becoming fully metallic. Kovausonet are generally more durable than their kin to some degree, although, they are generally proportionally slower as well— the more durable the metals they consume, the more durable and slow they become. Kovausonet are known for their sonic screeches through the usage of Sonus, which can fling foes back within a small cone in front of them, oftentimes interrupting the spellcasting of mages who would dare to strike at them. Rarely, should a Kovausonet manage to consume a substantial amount of magical metal, they can obtain a breath attack based on that metal. Whilst they are decently proficient at sound magic as a whole, Metallic Draconians are more often known for their ability to manipulate metal with ease— they can manipulate them fluidly, as if they were merely a liquid, and can hurl sharp blades at their foes. Metallic Draconians are capable of manipulating raw ores to some limited degree and many of them utilise this to their advantage by being capable of roughly filtering metals from the rock, although it takes intense practice and time. Kovausonet are generally rather moderate in size, although an Aloernarchian Urivik'takdra can range from twenty five feet (7.62 metres) to around thirty-three feet (10.06 metres) to the shoulder when they reach five thousand years of age, although most non-Aloernarchian Sifkhorar are naturally much smaller.

Region of Origin

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment


(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)


(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
All Summa Substantiale
  • All Draconians feature some degree of soulsight— they begin developing it in their youth and it progressively grows in strength as they age, especially as they interact with others. By the time they reach adulthood, they generally have developed first degree or even second degree soulsight, however, as they age, they may eventually exceed beyond this point. Ancient Draconians have been known for developing fifth degree level soulsight in due time, although it requires an abundance of training in order to obtain. This soulsight, however, is uniquely specialised— Draconians can see trails that lead them to where any fleeing prey may have escaped, with the trail lasting for several dozen metres in older Draconians. Draconians, of course, have been known to uniquely specialise their soulsight beyond this point once they are capable of third, fourth, or fifth degree soulsight— many elder Draconians are capable of witnessing when another does not align with their virtues or goals, as well as whether or not an individual is guilty of having committed atrocities.
  • Summa Substantiale
  • Although Draconians do not have a proper soul magic resistance, Draconian souls are decently durable and can handle greater degrees of soul damage than what might be expected, usually around .1x to .25x more depending on the age and size of the Draconian.
  • Sifkhorar Elementum Creo
  • Sifkhorar Draconians, or Red Draconians, are capable of exhaling bursts of flame from their maws utilising Ignis magic. These flames are decently hot and although they are traditionally purely composed of mana, they can develop to be capable of being composed of a substance known as 'dragonfire' once the Draconian is old enough, usually well within their elderly years, an unnaturally hot substance that oftentimes partially bypasses magical barriers. The flames they exhale, however, are mostly known for one distinguishing trait about them— after they strike an object, they may leave behind a Vulca-based residue, an almost obsidian-like surface. Talented Draconians can make their flames harmless to allies and use this to produce temporary barriers, although they are incredibly fragile and sharp, as they are composed of glass.
  • Red Draconians are notably talented at utilising Ignis and Vulca beyond using their breath attacks alone. Although their talent generally depends upon the amount of Draconic blood they possess, the Sifkhorar Draconian peoples' ability to control these elements is notable, with it oftentimes being used to assault foes with flames, ash, magma, and glass shards produced as a result of the volatile and hostile magics.
  • Elementum Creo
  • Sifkhorar Draconians have a natural resistance to fire and magma based magics, with many resisting rather extreme temperatures. As they age, their scales become harder and more capable of enduring higher temperatures, and, as a result, in their youth, this ability is quite diminished. Younger Sifkhorar Greater Draconians can resist temperatures of 700 ° C to 900 ° C, but Draconians well into their several thousands can sometimes manage to resist 1200 ° C or even greater. This enables Greater Draconians of this particular variety to outright swim in magma as if it were water, although Lesser Sifkhorar Draconians generally can only resist a few hundred degrees Celsius.
  • Elementum Creo
  • Although the mighty Sifkhorar are capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures, their higher internal temperature can make them particularly prone to avoiding attacks that reduce temperature or even regions, assuming they do not come from a colder region— although one could argue this to not be any particularly proper weakness in the same sense as many others, the colder temperatures make them feel weaker, slower, and may even make their scales more fragile. They tend to be .1x to .25x more likely to develop frostbite at a faster rate, although it depends on the strength of the ice-based attack versus the Draconian in question.
  • Sifkorhar's flames can be usually easily dampened by water unless they have practiced and specialised their fire magic to react in another mannerism. Likewise, after drinking water or a non-flammable fluid, Sifkorhar tend to have their flames temporarily suppressed, although this only lasts for a few minutes at most.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    • Draconians in the Fall of Sanctuary originally took inspiration from World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons, however, as the server progressed, they gained a wholly separate identity, magic, and culture.
    • The Draconic language, Xalnoral, was originally pulled from a rather nice translator until we started making up our own words.
    • Draconians' ability to see souls pulls from the meaning of the root word that eventually came to be used for the word dragon— dérkomai, meaning 'to see.'


    Primarily contributed by @fallenarkhein.
    Original concept by @fallenarkhein.

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