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From Beyond the Veil


Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=



Primordial, Humanoid, Very Rare


Primordial, Humanoid, Uncommon


Primordial, Humanoid, Rare


Primordial, Fae, Humanoid, Uncommon


Primordial, Fae, Humanoid, Uncommon

Average Threat Level


Moderately High to High


Low to Moderate


Moderately Low to Moderate


Extremely Low to Moderately Low


Extremely Low to Low



(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)

Body Variations


As ancient as the many mountains which dominate Asla’nir, the Dalazul are the first of the Dwarven race, and it is widely believed amongst the Dwarva that they will remain the last. They are as old as time immemorial, bound within bodices of pure stone and minerals, their very souls powered by the incredible Primordials and their communion with the natural world’s many elements rather than blood. They are the largest out of all of the Dwarven variants, standing anywhere from around five feet (1.52 metres) in height to as tall as eight feet (2.44 metres), but are far stockier than the likes of Kjir. Dalazul are great crafters, builders, and architects— they carved out homes deep within Vasterioth, as well as Aloernarch after they joined the Giants in migrating to Aloernarch. Although they were threatened ten thousand years ago by Vhudrarthoxa's reign, they have since returned rather recently during High Queen Enyomirak's reign. Dalazul are the most endurant of the Dvergr species due to their composition and are are by far the most magically potent— they have the closest roots to their Primordial heritage and are capable users of Elementum Creo. They are also known for being the best at enchanting out of the Dwarven variants, although all of them share a knack for it. Some rather unique attributes of the Dalazul, however, are their ability to turn invisible and their ability to shift their body into a form more akin to the element they hail from, as well as to change the composition of the earth they are composed of to some degree after thousands of years— they cannot increase their size, however, they can regenerate their bodies over time with the earth around them. Should a Dalazul enter a region that is lacking in ambient Vis Stellae, they will immediately undergo the beginnings of a crude process known as “fleshing”: this metamorphosis generally takes decades to proceed through— no time at all for their stony kin— but can be sped up drastically with continuous, prolonged exposure to regions with absolutely no ambient magic, such as parts of Aleria. At the end, they will emerge as considerably smaller Dwarva from their earthen shells, although they will still possess that same consciousness— any Dwarf substantially exposed to Vis Stellae, however, will revert the process and become a Dalazul once more, albeit generally smaller.


The most recognizable variant of the Dwarven race, the Dwarva are a fair-skinned and stout race, acknowledged for their stunted heights and their broad, incredibly thick builds, usually ripe with rippling muscularity. Standing at around four feet in height (1.22 metres), Dwarves are unusually strong in spite of their short heights due to their notable physique. They are the most populous of the dwarven races, though still a rarity in comparison to many others. Most Dwarva fall into three categories: born and raised in a clan hierarchy, outcast from the clans and making do with a world unfamiliar with their kind, or at the mercy of cruel slavers that would make use of their great strength and profound endurance. Notably poor at learning new magic in comparison to their kin, Dwarva share many of the racials that other Dwarves have— a knack for enchanting through Viva Caelatura and potential for Elementum Creo, however, they go a bit beyond many others in their usage of the former. Dwarva are capable of wielding a particular form of Viva Caelatura called Sculpturia— whilst many others can use it to manipulate the magic of others, Dwarva use this to produce particularly elaborate enchantments and to place enchantments on top of others without disturbing them. Some also can temporarily make themselves larger and stronger for a few seconds through some combination of Natura Animi and Viscus Insero, however, this is more often found amongst their most hardened warriors than average members of their populace, and seems to be less of a racial and more something they have innate potential for. Dwarva have skin and hair colours predominantly ranging within human-like ranges, however, they might also take on aspects of their element, resulting in more unusual hair colours or eye colours.


Believed to be the result of Dwarva intermingling with the likes of Primordials, Lasaíanh, Cambions or Dúrevaen, Svarfaltar are unusual in their seeming ties with flame and volcanos regardless of what element they might have once been before. For this reason, they seem to have diminished magical potential for anything other than Ignis, Mercurius, or Vulca that resulted in the bulk of Svarfaltar being classified as Ignian or Terran Dwarves— if they were not before, they became one as generations passed and their populace intermingled with these volcanic and fiery Primordials, Cambions, and their descendants, however, some may take on aspects of the elemental type their ancestors once were. They live amongst these individuals as members of their clans rather than inherently residing alone and are quite sociable in comparison to their Dwarva brethren, but still more gruff than Hauflin. Possessing notably greyscale skin on par with a deep grey or a dark charcoal and portions of obsidian and rock across their bodies, dome Svarfaltar have partially reverted to Dalazul, however, their ancestry seems to result in most still being partially composed of flesh irregardless. The Svarfaltar are talented enchanters, but they are particularly talented at the art of smithing above all else— they produce weaponry and armour within Udoxa and Vasterioth for some of their most notable warriors due to their masterful manipulation of metal through Mercurius— even without as much training as many other Mercurius users, most can manipulate tier 3 materials and some are even masterful enough to manipulate tier 4 or tier 5 materials with exposure to it, should they be commissioned by the particularly wealthy and esteemed, however, most are not so lucky unless they are the likes of a Udoxan royal smith. Instead of focusing purely on armaments, Svarfaltar are notably the most capable of producing elaborate robotics and magitech, as they train for it within their youth. Through this particular magic, they can shape many metals well beyond the range of other metal magic users into elaborate and elegant shapes, producing fine art, specialised armaments, and machinery alike.


Hauflin, otherwise known as Halflings or Hobbledehoy, are moderately small sized Dwarves who stand at around three feet (~1 metre) to three and a half feet (1.07 metres) in height. Hauflin, much like other fleshed Dwarves, appear in regions with lesser stellar concentrations— there are, however, some Hauflin who have taken on the stoneish traits of Dalazul and have grown a few feet in height after migrating to particular regions of Udoxa and Arkeum, although they are slim in number. Known for their natural attunement to Natura Animi, which is believed to be the result of potential intermingling with Sprites, Hauflin oftentimes commune with natural races, fauna, and flora. For this reason, they have an attunement to the world around them and tend to prefer to stay near woodlands, as they believe it to be a source of strength for them— they will journey across the globe and live in cities, but they will stick close to the outskirts so that they can remain close to the wilds. Affable, compassionate, and generally good-natured, Hauflin are a rather agreeable and sociable sort and, despite many living in the wilds of Asla'nir, Hauflin are widely regarded as pleasant by even the most staunchly disagreeable people of Asla'nir. Halflings are natural travellers, scholars, and explorers, using their charm and wit to worm their way into society and function well with their keen senses and limitless ambition. Naturally nimble, agile, and faster than other Dwarves, Hauflin are known for their unusual resistance to toxins— instead, they build up these poisons inside of their bodies by consuming naturally toxic substances, and thus, any attempts to consume them will result in one feeling rather sick after the fact. Many Hauflin also notably have a small knack for telekinesis, which works their their advantage in enabling them to better manage their lacklustre strength and assist them whilst in danger.


A peculiar subsection of Dwarves first noted by Vasteriothian researchers, Gē-Nomos, generally referred to as Gnomes or Gnomi, are a particularly unusual type of Dwarf. Believed to have split off quite early from the Vasteroiothian Dalazul due to exposure to Igdrasarv and the dwindling Vis Stellae presence within southern Vasterioth, Gē-Nomos are now found across the bulk of Asla'nir with the exception of Udoxa, Aloernarch, and Tir'anor. By far the smallest form of Dwarf, Gnomes stand between one foot (.31 metres) to three feet (.91) in height— they are stout and stocky, but still notably quite weak, although they can move surprisingly fast. Gnomes are the only variant to have a specific predisposition to an element, with almost all Gnomes being Terran Dvergr. They have clawed hands, fangs, and usually feature particularly rounded features, as well as sometimes small plantoid, earthern, or animalistic traits. Ingenious, curious, and quick to learn, Gnomes are known for their capabilities in producing surprisingly capable creations in a short period of time. They are, however, rather dichotomous in that there are 'civilised' Gnomes and 'wild' Gnomes— those who live amongst civilisations are usually quite courteous and amiable, much like the Hauflin, but those who roam in the wilds are considered by many to be outright vile. They are sworn protectors of the woodlands, and serve to drive off outsiders in a similar fashion to how certain Fae do, though their knack of vicious assaults on wary travellers is generally quite brutal. They lure travellers to their demise with Umbra et Lux and their ability to mimic the voices of others— only to bring them right into the path of particularly aggressive species actually capable of killing them. Strangers and adventurers be warned, for becoming lost in a region dominated by gnomes warrants a nasty surprise: a pitfall trap filled with bloody spikes, stinging barbs launched with toxins produced by their saliva coating their tips, or worse yet, a horde of them in a direct ambush, gnawing and tearing at whatever flesh they can reach.

Elemental Variations

When the Dalazul were produced by their ancient makers, although their names are long lost to history, each was produced with an elemental core that empowered their bodies and assisted their souls in their mobility. It is believed that their ancient makers modelled them after the four core elements and the bestial, primordial species associated most with them, with each of them having a core relating to it— the Terran Dalazul take on traits from the lumbering Kaiju; the Undae Dalazul take on traits from the mystical Protean; the Ignian Dalazul take on traits from the mighty Draconians; and the Caelite Dalazul take on traits from the cunning Regului. Their fleshed descendants, in turn, do the same— each takes on minor traits of their element and many take on small traits akin to these species, although the more distant their heritage is to the Dalazul and the more they intermingle with other species, the more miniscule or even non-existent some of these features become.


Dwarves with an affinity for earth and sometimes its related magics, Terran Dwarves are users of Terra magic and sometimes one other related magic, such as Vulca, Sonus, or Mercurius, although the latter three are more common amongst the likes of Dalazul or Svaltfar, with Sonus being quite unusual. Their skin traditionally takes on tanned hues, but stay within human-like ranges (assuming they are not Svaltarfar, who naturally have grey hues)— their hair and eyes, meanwhile, take on shades of brown, green, or shades of silver or grey— they are generally quite large for their variant, although some are more moderately sized. Patient, tenacious, and meticulous, Terran are usually labours within Dwarven civilisations. Mindful of others' opinions, Terran Dwarves are considered quite amicable, although their stoicism can be off-putting to the other variants, as Terran Dwarves will generally accept any challenge, any suffering, and any negative event that comes towards them and allow it to roll off of their back. They are nurturing, albeit oftentimes somewhat distant parents who care deeply for their family and clan— they will especially not accept themselves for dishonouring them. They feature large, thick beards, sometimes with earth permanently entangled within them; portions of their body composed of crystals or rocks regardless of whether or not they are Dalazul; and the unusual capability to consume earth during times of famine and convert its mana into Natura Animi, enabling them to endure disasters readily and avoid starvation. Some possess rock-encrusted tails, rocky hides, or bits of moss, lichens, or plant growth across their stony surfaces although this is uncommon unless one is a Hauflin, Dalazul, or a Gē-Nomos. Fleshed Dwarves have a third membrane that sweeps across their eye that is capable of blocking sand or dirt should they be performing excavations or caught out in sandstorms, as Terran Dwarves naturally have an affinity and fondness for arid regions and cavern systems, although not all reside within them.


Dwarves with an affinity for water and sometimes its related magics, Undae Dwarves are users of Unda magic and sometimes one other related magic, such as Glacies, Mercurius, or Tempestas, although Mercurius is quite unusual. Although Dalazul generally walk across the bottom of bodies of water due to how heavy they are, their bodies still represent their domain and their fleshed kin can properly take advantage of adaptations suiting the water. Although they are mercurial by nature, they are thought to be intelligent and capable leaders— many other Dwarves seek their council due to their emotional maturity and decisive thinking. Oftentimes having patches of scales, slightly webbed fingers, or even the likes of gills, tails adapted for swimming, or fins, Undae Dwarves manifest their magic in their forms— they may have portions of their body or hair seemingly composed of water, with ever-swirling blue patterns, or, for those who are particularly attuned to Glacies, patches of frost and ice across their bodies and hair. Their skin sometimes comes in shades of blue, but usually comes within human ranges (assuming they are not Svaltarfar, who naturally have grey hues, although there are no recorded precedence for Undae Svaltarfar)— their eyes and hair are often white, blue, or even sea green, however, assuming their hair is not composed of water. Like Terran Dwarves, Undae Dwarves have a translucent third eyelid that can be extended over their eyes so that they can comfortably see underwater— even without visible gills, they seem to be capable of breathing underwater regardless, perhaps through some manifestation of their Elementum Creo. Dalazul, in turn, do not take any wearing down on their stones from most environmental water and thus can persist without as much fear of erosion. Their hair is uniquely waterproof, with even their beards and portions where their body hair is thick enough repelling water from their skin, and they are naturally resistant to the cold to a very limited degree— enough to enable them to reside in arctic regions and within colder bodies of water, which they enjoy living close to (although Dalazul suffer from neither cold nor heat).


Dwarves with an affinity for fire and sometimes its related magics, Ignian Dwarves are users of Ignis magic and sometimes one other related magic, such as Vulca, Fulgur, or Tempestas, although Vulca is far, far more common than the others, as Fulgur is a rare magic in general. Ignian Dwarves are passionate, fiery, and are considered quite innovative— they are master craftsmen, skilled artisans, and inventors within their clans more often than not, as they are raised at a young age to pursue the likes of smithing, artificy, and the arts. Unusually quite Draconic, Ignian Dwarves oftentimes have small patches of crimson, orange, or obsidian-like scales, sharp fangs, slit pupils, draconic tails, and claws— this, alongside their molten eyes and sometimes (particularly if they are Dalazul or Svaltarfar) magmatic or flaming hair gives them away immediately as Ignian on sight. Some suspect them of being part Draconian and, indeed, many scholars believe Ignian Dwarves to have been crafted in the likeness of Draconians long ago to represent their might— Ignian Dwarves even exhale smoke from their nostrils when particularly aggravated or excited and seem to have a tolerance to smoke in the sense that they can breathe within its presence. They distinctively have darker or warm hues of skin (assuming they are not Svaltarfar, who naturally have grey hues) and their hair and eyes specifically come in shades of crimson, flaming orange, almost ebon, or sometimes a soft amber. They have a far greater tolerance to fire, with Dalazul being capable of outright swimming within environmental magma without melting and the likes of Svaltarfar comfortably resisting the heat around volcanoes— their less adapted kin, however, can endure the hottest deserts without without question— they can additionally see quite well in the dark, albeit not to the degree of their neighbours, and some have a third membrane much like other Dwarven variants, albeit one designed to keep soot and ash out of their eyes. Fleshed Ignian Dwarves notably seem to deal less with dehydration, however, this is believed to be the result of adaptations that enable them to tolerate greater internal body temperatures and potentially reduce water loss and increase water absorption.


Dwarves with an affinity for air and sometimes its related magics, Caelite Dwarves are users of Caelus magic and sometimes one other related magic, such as Sonus, Fulgur, or Glacies, although Glacies is far, far more common than the others, as Fulgur is a rare magic in general. They are thought to be fair minded, albeit fickle and sometimes rash Dwarves capable of decent diplomacy due to their natural charisma, although many frown upon them for their pride. Caelite Dwarves are generally not slotted into any particular role in Dwarven society, often serving as jack-of-all-trades, flitting from role to role whenever needed, which fits their capricious and variable nature. Many are not particularly traditional, much to the chagrin of their fellow Dwarves— they are artistic, curious, and explore the world in spite of many Dwarves staying within clans. Amongst fleshed Caelites, their eyes and hair tend to take on shades of light gold, soft lavenders and violets, and sky blues. Fair skinned, with their body naturally being covered in various markings akin to the colours seen amongst their populace for their eyes that indicate their heritage (with the latter being found even amongst Dalazul), Caelite Dwarves are quite versatile. Small, often translucent downy feathers cover parts of their body, large vestigial fangs take the place of ordinary canines, and some Dalazul even have small, vestigial stone wings that are incapable of flight— some, additionally, although quite rarely, have patches of scales like their Ignian kin. They are not particularly resistant towards any harsh biome that one might expect, however, they can handle decreases in pressure and losses of oxygen better— they have large lungs, can handle low and hot temps decently well (albeit not as much as the Dwarves specialised for it), and can withstand high altitudes without feeling faint. Their hair is notably thick, which is designed to assist in handling windburn, and they are well adapted to bright lights, allowing them to handle areas that would ordinarily blind them, although they notably suffer in night vision.

Region of Origin

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment



(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Social Attitudes and Etiquette

(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
Variant (Insert Form)
  • Discuss the magic types and racials given to each variant.
  • Discuss what type of magical resistance they have and the extent of it.
  • Discuss what type of magical weaknesses they have and the extent of it.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    • The idea of making the Dwarves' elemental variations make them look very different from one another was originally pulled from the idea of designing the Ignian Dwarves after Fafnir— it only devolved from there.


    Major contributions by @_orn and @fallenarkhein.

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