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From Beyond the Veil

Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=


Fae, Humanoid, Uncommon

Average Threat Level


Extremely Low to Moderate

All Others

Moderate to High



(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)

Body Variations


Large, muscular, tusk-fanged, and physically potent, the Orka people, otherwise known as Orcs, are a decently honourable people who value valor. Notably quite humanoid in comparison to some other Goblinoids, Orka are amongst the most abundant of the Goblinoids and can be found in most nations roaming their vast and primordial wilds and civilisations alike. Traditionally green skinned, albeit not always, as they may vary from biome to biome, they are a hardy, endurant, and stubborn people who are known for their capable blacksmithing and armament production. They settle down in closely knit, tribal communities, and although some are quite aggressive and target nearby civilisations, especially in times of desperation or hunger, most are decently amicable despite many having a fervent dislike for their kin. Most Orcs even maintain this apprehension towards neighboring Orc tribes, with the worst of these relationships accumulating within the thresholds of harsher regions with less resources, where they endlessly wage war against one another in the name of conquest and glory. Orka are widely considered to be amongst some of the most formidable humanoid species in Asla'nir— they stand at around six (1.82 metres) to seven (2.13 metres) feet tall in regions without a large presence of ambient stellar mana, however, they can be larger in other regions that do have a presence of ambient stellar mana, as Orka seem to absorb environmental mana in their surroundings passively in order to grow larger and stronger. Aloernarchian Orka, in particular, stand at thirteen (3.92 metres) to sixteen feet (4.88 metres), more often than not. They are known for their ability to enter a 'berseker rage' in which they gain an increase to their strength, however, orcs underneath the influence of a berserker rage commonly begin to lose their other senses until the rage wears off— their sense of smell and sight remain intact, however their minds become solely focused upon combat unless dragged out of it, their hearing becomes a distant blur until noise is simply inaudible, and they don’t register severe wounds until the rush finally wears off and they realize that they are close to dying.


Slender and lithe Goblinoids with large, hollow tusks, Talalzul, sometimes known as Trolls, are some of the only Goblinoids to actively partake in their original duties— most Goblinoids have long forsaken their task of protecting and maintaining the wilds, only doing so by happenstance or as it benefits them, but the Talalzul have not forsaken the purpose of their creation. Pious guardians and maintainers of the natural world, Trolls are physically weak for Oruk'tul, but are decently fast and potent spellcasters. They are generally Fora'lak and, thus, many Talalzul have prehensile tails and semi-prehensile feet that enable them to clamber up rocks and trees, which they utilise to ambush prey and would-be foes. They are generally somewhat lanky and tall, with slightly longer upper limbs in comparison to their lower limbs, and stand at around six (1.82 metres) to seven (2.13 metres) feet tall in regions without a large presence of ambient stellar mana, however, they can be larger in other regions that do have a presence of ambient stellar mana. Aloernarchian Talalzul, in particular, stand at thirteen (3.92 metres) to sixteen feet (4.88 metres), more often than not. They have colourful skin and hair, sometimes different from other Goblinoids of their given Bhai'lak. Talalzul live in tight-knit clans that emphasize caring for their surroundings— they pick off poachers and excessive loggers, regrow damaged foliage, and carefully make sure to avoid overharvesting their natural resources. In general, however, Talalzul hold a deep respect for other Goblinoids and the various natural races— they are generally amicable, although some clans are hostile towards outsiders. Talalzul's tusks are quite important in close-quarters combat— they are attached to neurotoxic venom glands and are quite sharp, allowing Talalzul to puncture weakly armoured opponents if they are particularly desperate. Talalzul are generally quite magically potent in comparison to other Goblinoids— they have a decent mana pool and a solid potential for learning magic. Trolls can enter an enraged state much like their kin and use it to empower their magical potential— its effects, however, differ from Troll to Troll. Talalzul predominantly use Rogus Vitalus and Natura Animi, debuffing and dealing damage over time to foes whilst supporting allies.


The Takgak'lik are a particularly distinctive people— the Takgak'lik, otherwise known as Hobgoblins, are a cunning, albeit somewhat aggressive people. Hobgoblins are referred to as Hobgoblins as 'Hob' is the term used by many Goblins for leadership figures and Hobgoblins tend to take leadership of local Hordes and tribes. Hogboblins are almost always crimson skinned in spite of whatever region they come from and generally medium in size for a Goblinoid— some claim that this crimson skin is the result of their cannibalistic tendencies, as Takgak'lik will consume other sapient species if need be, including other Takgak'lik who do not spawn from their clan. They stand between five feet (1.52 metres) to six feet (1.82 metres), oftentimes have tails, and many have broad shoulders; pronounced noses; almond-shaped eyes; slit pupils; and sharp cheekbones. They have pointed ears like their kin, nor do they always feature tusks, but they still oftentimes have pronounced canines and sharp teeth regardless. Residing within the harsher regions of the wilderness, most Hobgoblins are not particularly friendly to outsiders, although they are tolerant of other Goblinoids and other species considered formidable enough or similarly militaristic, like Cambions, Dúrevaen, or other Core Races. The Takgak'lik, despite their aggression, value honour quite highly although some are underhanded combatants, and many simply are seeking 'worthy opponents' who can match their cunning and skill. They train from young ages in order to be capable combatants and although they are physically weaker and frailer than many other Goblinoids, they have a decent potential for magic in comparison to many others— they are particularly known for their Viscus Insero and use this to restore their wounds and mutate their limbs. They do feature a 'rage' like other Goblinoids, however, it is unusually focused and is willful concentration in combat— it provides a minor boon towards accuracy, their awareness of their surroundings, and their reflexes, enabling them to better parry and riposte their foes in combat.


Although the term Goblinoid is used to refer to all Oruk'tul, the Gak'uk, otherwise known as the Goblins, are a particularly diminutive and short-lived, albeit ingenious species of Goblinoid and where the term Goblinoid originated from. Gak'uk are believed to be the descendants of Orka who intermingled with Éadhfeit due to some of their kin having seeming ties to the elements, however, most attribute this to be less a matter of a Sprite ancestry and more a matter of their adaptability— Gak'uk are a remarkably adaptable species capable of residing almost anywhere in Asla'nir. Gak'uk are known for their stumpy, short-limbed nature, with unusually small limbs causing them to stand roughly three (.91 metres) to four feet (1.22 metres) tall in regions of low ambient stellar mana and six (1.82 metres) to seven (2.13 metres) feet tall in regions with amble stellar mana, like Aloernarch or Udoxa. Most have bat-like, pointed ears and some have tails with slight plumes at the end or bat-like noses, however, most Gak'uk are relatively humanoid. The leading theory in regards to their immense age gap is believed to be tied to Gak'uk having a particularly distinctive quality— Goblins handle hardship, injury, and their environment in a very particular way and they can naturally absorb ambient mana to compensate and restore their unusually low amount of life essence for a Sídhethalan species. They have a naturally greater regenerative factor in comparison to most mortal species and their reliance on absorbing mana due to the bulk of Goblinoids residing within harsh conditions. They notably lack the ability to enter a enraged state like their kin, although they do seem capable of giving themselves a tiny buff to their speed for brief periods of time when terrified. Those who reside in more peaceful clans or amongst civilisation generally have longer lifespans but age slower; those in Hordes, however, have adapted to have shorter lifespans but mature faster— they have almost half the lifespan of a Human, yet reach adulthood in merely a few years, although Goblinoids in regions like Udoxa and Aloernarch are relatively long-lived. Inhabiting the primordial wilds in either small clans or barbaric Hordes, their lives are filled environmental hazards and the hazards of other sapient lifeforms alike— Hordes, in particular, raid local villages more often than not, swarming foes with crude, handcrafted weaponry and technology, and notably fight amongst themselves, sometimes cannibalizing the losers.


Cabnak'luk, otherwise known as 'Common Goblins,' are the stereotypical association with the Gak'uk that most mortals have, as they are the most plentiful subvariant of Gak'uk. Whilst Cabnak'luk do vary depending on the biome in appearance, they are all Cabnak'luk all the same— they are found across almost all of Asla'nir with the exception of its most inhospitable regions. Notably somewhat aggressive and territorial to any would be travellers within their territory, Cabnak'luk have decent sized territories which surround their clan or Horde's encampment. Although most Gak'uk are timid, only standing their ground in numbers, Cabnak'luk take defending their territory quite seriously and all else who live within this region are prone to being attacked for straying too near to their homes— or for supplies during hard times. These Goblins appear quite similar to the Orka— they are predominantly humanoid, possessing mostly hair on their head, and have very few bestial, plantoid, or mycelial traits. They are found within most biomes in Asla'nir and are often subcategorized by the biome whence they came from. Cabnak'luk are notably poor at magic, however, they share a minor aptitude for Natura Animi like all other Goblinoids. Beyond the small aptitudes they get depending on region, however, most Cabnak'luk have little to no magic, although Cabnak'luk do have one final trick up their sleeves— some particularly talented Cabnak'luk seem to have a small knack for Viva Caelatura, which they use to produce minor enchanted items, be they for trade, combat, or otherwise annoying travellers who enter their territory.


A particular bestial type of Goblinoid, the Fionak'kuk are believed to potentially feature some sort of Kaiju heritage, however, most are unsure precisely whether or not that is true. They are sometimes referred to as Gremlins, but are more traditionally known as 'Primal Goblins' due to their greater attunement to the wilds. Fionak'kuk are oftentimes furred, usually featuring a small, albeit pushed in muzzle, and digitigrade lower limbs— their ears are more animalistic than other Goblinoids, but are still often pointed, swivelling at the slightest sound. They usually have a tail, which is oftentimes prehensile, as many Fionak'kuk prefer to be arboreal or reside within caverns. Brilliant and amicable, most Fionak'kuk are decently respected, as unlike their Cabnak'luk relatives, Fionak'luk are far more likely to form peaceful settlements and trade with their neighbours, rather than the particularly volatile and aggressive Hordes their brethren are known for. Fionak'luk are naturally more talented with magic than Cabnak'luk due to having a slightly wider mana pool, however, they are generally specialised into Natura Animi over their other magics— that, of course, does not stop them from being capable of learning new magics, as Fionak'luk are naturally quite talented at picking up new magics over time. They similarly have a small potential for Viva Caelatura, should they bother to learn it, but a lesser one than the Cabnak'luk— they do generally have a greater dedication to learning the magic, however, as Fionak'luk are inquistive about their surroundings and seek to produce new creations to better support their clans more often than not.


Large and hulking, Ok'grar are the largest variant of Goblinoid and usually lack the colourful skin that their compatriots have, although those settled into a given region tend to have it. Known as Ogres, Ok'grar are oftentimes wanderers and nomads or settle down into generally peaceful clans. Amicable and courageous, many of these nomadic Ok'grar work for glory, taking on various quests and serving as capable warriors should one desire it, eager to prove themselves to their kin. They live in clans where strength is quite respected, with many adult Ok'grar pledging their allegiance to their leadership, willing to fight to the death in the name of their clan. They are generally known for their mutations, as they can feature multiple sets of limbs, tusks that protrude from their lips, a set of horns, tails, multiple sets of eyes, or even two heads— they are naturally quite bulky, although they are generally endomorphs, featuring large bellies and thick fat paddings that conceal their surprising muscularity yet enable them to better take blows. Some, even, can conduct photosynthesis should they have green skin. Most stand at roughly seven (2.13 metres) to eight feet (2.43 metres) in regions with lesser ambient mana, however, those from Aloernarch easily reach heights of fourteen feet (4.27 metres) to sixteen feet (4.88 metres). Like other Goblinoids, Ok'grar are capable of entering these 'rage states,' however, they generally keep much of their mental stability throughout it in comparison to the likes of Orka— in turn, they gain notable durability throughout its brief duration, however, it does not last as long as the other Goblinoid's rages. Ok'grar are poor mages, featuring very little mana to work with at their base, however, those who develop any magical potential are fearsome in that they are capable spellcasters with the physique of an Ogre, enabling them to handle close quarters combat better than many species with an aptitude for magic. Two headed Ogres, in particular, seem to have a larger aptitude for magic, and Ok'grar believe that those with two heads have more wisdom and slot them into roles devoted to scholarhip and maintaining whatever religious devotion to any particular God their clan might have.


Bu'kane, otherwise known as Bugbears or Ferbulgs due to their 'bear-ish' appearance, are muscular, hulking Goblinoids who are rather territorial, but are not particularly aggressive unless one enters their territory— they establish medium sized territories with small clans composed of a few families of Bu'kane. Bu'kane are relatively peaceful hunter-gatherers who sometimes possess decent agriculture to sustain themselves in these small groups. They are unusually pious for Oruk'tul and have a strong respect for Fae, natural races, and Talalzul, but generally seem to be indifferent towards other races. Notably prone to being somewhat bestial in comparison to other Goblinoids, Bu'kane are oftentimes covered in fur partially with bestial ears or tails, but some are covered entirely and even have elongated muzzles. They have particularly bear-like features, with short, broad muzzles (should they have them); rounded ears; small, round tails; and their hands are more like bear claws than normal hands— padded, with long talons. Bu'kane are not inherently aggressive; they are mostly stand offish and request that others leave their territory— this is not just a warning, it is a threat. Bu'kane are surprisingly fast for their size, although they are mostly just physically potent— should one be angered, it would be best to vacate the area quickly. When enraged, Bu'kane become more bestial, seemingly, assuming they were not already predominantly bestial to begin with— they gain a small bonus to strength and speed, however, it is not as notable as the likes of Orka or Gak'uk due to its lack of specialisation; they also develop a minor regenerative factor. Bu'kane are not particularly magically talented, however, they oftentimes have a solid knack for Natura Animi, moreso than many other Goblinoids, albeit predominantly for practical usages— they use this to heal their families and friends, to speak to and tame local beasts, and to grow large crops.

Bhai'lak Variations

All Goblinoids have two types of Bhai'lak variations— Bhai'lak is the term for 'home' or 'origin' in the Goblinoid tongue and these two variations are known as Bhaidom'lak ('World Home,' as in, what type of biome they stem from) and Bhaicrann'lak ('Tree Home,' as in which World Tree they stem from, which is dependent on what continent they stem from more often than not). To keep things concise, however, each shall be given a short summary.

Bhaidom'lak Variations


Native to regions with lush plant life, Fora'lak, or Forest Goblinoids or Grassland Goblinoids, are particularly common in forested regions, regardless of their climate (although many Goblinoids in taiga are Oihea'lak), and regions like grasslands, shrublands, and steppes, although they generally lack the adaptations suited for arboreal life. Found in all nations with the exception of Fora'lak are amongst the most common of the Goblinoid people. Generally more passive than other members of their kin, Fora'lak are generally quite amicable, albeit decently territorial. Their hair come in shades of warm or deep browns or shades akin to the leaves of the local flora where they come from— for example, those from the Violacera Holt in Udoxa might have shades of purple rather than shades of green. Their eyes are vibrant and often speckles, taking on vibrant greens, ambers, or golds, although, like hair, it might be a different colour if the local foliage is rather unusual. Their skin generally comes in a wide array of green hues or deep, earthy browns. Fora'lak have the possibility to have slightly longer limbs; semi-prehensile or prehensile feet capable of gripping better onto trees; claws well adapted for climbing; prehensile tails for balancing; or plantoid hair akin to local species, however, not all Fora'lak have these traits— those who are found in forests are more likely to have adaptations for arboreal life. Fora'lak have a greater aptitude for Natura Animi, even in comparison to other Goblinoids— they ensnare foes with thorned vines, can better persuade beasts to work alongside them, and can naturally speak to plants and animals, which they use to find out whether or not someone is approaching them or to tame the fauna where they come from.


Luas'lak hail from swamps, mires, fens, and estuaries— they are oftentimes referred to as Swamp Goblinoids and are notably aggressive towards outsiders. Native to Vasterioth, Aloernarch, Fydrassi, Udoxa, Tiryt, Alnabi, Liranon and Barasaire, Luas'lak are decently plentiful. Known for their distinctive dark, dull green or muddy brown skin and minor adaptations to the abundance of water present, Luas'lak are renowned for their unusual magics. Although not all Luas'lak are particularly well adapted to their home, many have lightly webbed digits; mycelioid or plantoid features; larger feet in order to better walk on mud; or slender, lithe, rudder-like tails for swimming. They have vibrant crimson, green, brown, or amber eyes and black or similar colours to their skin for their hair. Luas'lak have some innate potential for Tempestas, however, they are most known for a rather niche usage of it— blending Rogus Vitalus and Natura Animi into these summoned fogs, they produce toxic, acidic, or necrotic fogs that sicken foes; they are, naturally, resistant to these effects. The thickness of them allows them to conceal themselves within them— either to leap out from it to ambush any would be travellers or to flee, should they be injured or already weakened. Luas'lak, of course, can utilise Tempestas for other things, however— those who are sedentary and have formed small villages tend to use it to water their crops or to wash off objects by conjuring a small rainstorm.


Native to particularly cold regions, like taigas, tundras, and the frozen peaks of mountains, Oihea'lak, sometimes known as Ice Goblinoids, have a natural attunement to ice— having adapted to the harsh conditions of particularly arctic regions, Oihea'lak are resistant to below freezing temperatures, naturally have a hotter body temperature, and can handle longer periods without food. They are found predominantly in Vasterioth, Udoxa, Aloernarch, Arkeum, Liranon, and one small part of Aleria. They have smaller ears, thick patches of hair or fur, ice-like crystalline protrusions from around joints, across their torso, and sometimes on portions of their face; and smaller and/or bushy tails, assuming they have one. Their hair and eyes take after hues of the regions they hail from— soft lavenders, arctic blues, white, light grey, or indigo. Their skin, meanwhile, can come in shades of dull, dark blue-ish green, white, light green, or grey. Due to living in particularly cold regions, Oihea'lak are generally sedentary, establishing themselves in small communities. Although they may sometimes raid other local villages in desperation for suppliees, most are more than happy to supply furs, wood, ores, weaponry, and stone in exchange for them instead. They have a natural knack for Glacies, which they use to conjure small blizzards or pile snow over their bodies to conceal themselves, and are known for blending a tiny bit of Rogus Vitalus into their spell work to slow foes, giving them time to land an extra blow or to flee should their opponents be too overwhelming.


Native to arid regions, as well as particularly rocky or sandy regions, like mesas, deserts, certain types of particularly rocky mountains or hills, and savannahs, the Fásch'lak, sometimes known as Desert Goblinoids, Savannah Goblinoids, or Earth Goblinoids, are a particularly hardy type of Goblinoid. For this reason, Fásch'lak are only really found in Liranon, Tiryt, Alnabi, Barasaire, Fydrassi, and Aloernarch, as all other Asla'nirian nations do not feature deserts. They have a natural tolerance for higher temperatures, as most hail from particularly hot regions, and they have some unique adaptations for these desert like regions— larger feet to better enable walking across sands without sinking; the ability to store water for longer periods of time and lose less water; larger ears for reducing heat; long, hairless tails, if any, to radiate heat; a third eyelid to block sand; dull, thick claws that can grip into rocky surfaces; and sometimes semi-prehensile feet to better grip onto rocky surfaces and climb them. Their hair comes in shades of blonde, grey, brown, or black; their hair comes in ambers, golds, or brown hues; and their skin is earthy, coming in various shades of brown, grey, or even dark, dull golds. They have a natural affinity for Terra, which they utilise to produce thick sandstorms to obscure vision and to manipulate the large boulders atop the hills they hail from, sending them bowling towards any would be foes— it should be noted, however, that it usually takes many Fásch'lak in order to be able to produce a substantial sandstorm, but it does give them an option to hinder the vision of their foes. Fásch'lak are generally considered more amicable than many other Goblinoids and often seek to trade with others for valuable resources their deserts and mesas lack.


Hailing from high altitude regions that are not especially cold, such as mountains and most particularly tall hills, Sil'lak, otherwise known as Mountain Goblinoids or Hill Goblinoids, are a particularly hardy people. Sil'lak are almost universal, being found in every nation with the exception of Tir'anor. They can generally handle the decrease in pressure associated with mountainous regions quite well and have a small resistance to cold, albeit not one as great as that of their Oihea'lak relatives. Their hair comes in earthy hues, like browns, greys, or even charcoal, as does their skin, but their eyes are oftentimes grey, vibrant shades of soft blue, warm greens, crimson, or brown. They are slightly larger in comparison to other Goblinoids; have slightly differently structured ears to better improve hearing; larger tusks and fangs; and large, dull claws that enable them to better clamber up rocky surfaces. They have a natural affinity for Viscus Insero, enabling them potentially the ability to transform portions of their body, and they are known for their ability to seemingly harden their skin until it is roughly on par with hardened leather, providing a small, albeit miniscule defense if need be. Sil'lak are notably aggressive in comparison to many other types of Goblinoids, oftentimes seeking conflict during times of desperation or simply seeking out to combat one another in the name of valor and glory. Despite that, some clans do choose to simply trade furs, lumber, stone, and metals in exchange for a peaceful coexistence with their kin.


Farra'lak are native to regions close to bodies of water and reside within them— for this reason, they can be found anywhere with the exception of Tir'anor. Affectionately referred to as Tidal Goblinoids or 'Gilblinoids,' Farra'lak are adapted heavily to the water— they often have fins; gills; tails adapted for swimming; patches of scales; a third eyelid membrane that allows them to better see underwater; and are oftentimes hairless beyond the hair on their head. Their hair, eyes, and skin often come in shades of blue or certain blue-greens like sea green, kelp green, or teal or even crimson like red algae, although their hair and eyes can also come in the colours of the local coral and sea life. They tend to be somewhat aggressive towards any species not native to the water or the regions surrounding it and will generally come to shores mostly to hunt or drive off any who would interrupt their peace, although many clans make their homes inside of huts alongside the water. Farra'lak take advantage of the natural adaptability that Goblinoids have— upon entering a body of water, their body will slowly adjust to it and will begin to adapt to the type of water it is in, allowing them to switch between fresh water, brackish, salt water, or even lightwater with few difficulties. Farra'lak have a natural affinity for Unda, which they utilise in order to swim faster than most land-based humanoids. Farra'lak also have the ability to echolocate, which they utilise in order to detect prey underwater that they might not ordinarily see.


Residing deep within the earth in Asla'nir's many cavern systems, Uai'lak, otherwise known as Cave Goblinoids, are found throughout Asla'nir with the exception of Tir'anor. Uai'lak are notably somewhat aggressive, but are predominantly territorial or only attack during times of notable scarcity. Although Uai'lak oftentimes have minor adaptations akin to the other Goblinoids within their biomes, they are generally denoted for their distinctive differences— larger, bat-like ears dedicated to detecting sounds within their cavern systems; eyes specifically adapted to see in the dark; large, dull talons; slightly larger hands to assist in burrowing if necessary; adaptations to see in the dark well; and their smaller sizes in order to better fit inside these cavern systems. Due to their ability to see in the dark, however, Uai'lak find it difficult to see during the day— they are easily blinded by sunlight and generally leave their cavern systems in the darkness of night. Uai'lak traditionally have dull, dark green skin; earthy shades of brown; or grey skin. Their eyes are grey, amber, crimson, or brown and their hair is traditionally black, brown, or grey. Uai'lak have a natural affinity for Umbra et Lux, particularly spells involving the absence or removal of light— dispelling illusions, becoming invisible, melding into shadow, and solidifying shadows are all possible, although the latter two are rather advanced for most Goblinoids without a particular talent for magic.


Native to volcanic regions, Lasi'lak are either those that have adapted to them or stem from Fuegazón

  • Biome: Volcanic region or regions with notable volcanic activity.
  • Potential Hair Colours: Crimson, ebon, or grey.
  • Potential Eye Colours: Crimson, amber, or gold.
  • Potential Skin Tones: Grey, charcoal, or particularly dark or dull shades of green or brown.
  • Potential Traits: Patches of scales; unusually long tongues; more notable fangs or tusks; patches of obsidian formed on skin; distinctively molten eyes; magmatic patches on skin or magmatic or flaming hair; third eyelid to prevent ash or debris from entering one's eyes; high temperature resistance, albeit one not exceeding 500 ° C.
  • Potential Magical Affinity: Vulca or Ignis
  • Notable Ability: Can produce solid objects from ash— can sometimes be as durable as steel with enough training.

Bhaicrann'lak Variations

See World Trees for more information.

Region of Origin

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment



(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Social Attitudes and Etiquette

(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
Variant (Insert Form)
  • Discuss the magic types and racials given to each variant.
  • Discuss what type of magical resistance they have and the extent of it.
  • Discuss what type of magical weaknesses they have and the extent of it.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    • Trolls were lightly inspired by World of Warcraft's Trolls, albeit predominantly in resemblance— notably, the large tusks that they have.
    • The name Ferbulg for Bu'kane is a reference to three things— the Fir Bolg from Gaelic mythos, the Furbolg from World of Warcraft, and the Firbolg from Dungeons and Dragons— however, it should be noted that Bu'kane are not inherently representative of those entities.


    Major contributions by @fallenarkhein and @_orn.

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