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From Beyond the Veil


  • Difficulty To Work With: Intermediate; due to the sheer diversity in Kaiju, the difficulty in balancing them, their culture, and non-standard morality, Kaiju can be somewhat difficult to work with.
  • Permissions: All Kaiju require staff permission.
  • Activity: Depends on the Kaiju.
  • Languages: Virjabron.
  • Major Faiths: Fyjra and various other nature Gods tend to be the most popular faiths for Kaiju to take up.
  • Region: All except Tir'anor.
  • Courting: Kaiju tend to vary from monoamorous to polyamorous depending on the variant, but generally only seek out mates for the sake of having children— they must be substantially potent so as to ensure that their offspring can survive; Kaiju rarely take up partners for love, but when they do, they are oftentimes quite loyal partners.
  • Major Cultural Notes: Kaiju generally do not form complex social systems outside of their immediate family and perhaps a few outsiders or a couple of other family units; they generally care very little for the politics of their people, although they still tend to listen to the Kaiju monarchy regardless of their general disinterest in their affairs. Some Kaiju, however, are quite social, and may form more extensive groups beyond their children.


Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=


Veramono Daijebest

Kaiju, Non-Humanoid, Rare

Rayeno Daijebest

Kaiju, Non-Humanoid, Extremely Rare


Kaiju, Varies, Non-Humanoid, Rare

Average Threat Level



(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)


Veramono Daijebest

Inheritors of an ancient bloodline spawning from the likes of Long Gui, the mighty Dragon-Turtle, Veramono Daijebest, otherwise known as True Kaiju or Chikeza Kaiju, are rather common within certain regions, such as Aloernarch and Udoxa, yet still incredibly potent. Found in very few other nations except for rather small True Kaiju, Veramono Daijebest are known for their potent elemental magic that rivals some ancient Primordials, as well as their generally strong natural magics, such as Viscus Insero or Natura Animi. Rather than appearing akin to a normal beast with a few unusual features or a mishmash of creatures, True Kaiju come in a wide array of forms, with many Kaiju appearing entirely unique, as they are known for resembling their relatives as far back as several generations ago. Veramono Daijebest are distinct for often hosting bloodlines that adapt quite rapidly to their regions— whilst Chimera can absorb magics, Veramono Daijebest often have dramatic changes between generations as their offspring develop magics in response to certain environments, which is believed to be a blessing of their creator, Fyjra. Most, however, are predominantly generalists rather than specialising in any particular one thing as a result, maintaining a wide variety of different shapes, sizes, and standards altogether, although they are distinctive for blending into a certain class of taxonomy, with arthropodic Kaiju generally being considered the rarest. Veramono Daijebest are generally larger than Quimeriddo, however, most are also considerably younger and thus far smaller than Rayeno Daijebest.


Generally believed to share common ancestry with Protean, Ketosa, otherwise known as Keta or Sea-Kaiju, are amongst the most infamous forms of Kaiju— much like Proteans, many Ketosa are regarded as territorial and have been known to sink ships. Ketosa are chiefly aquatic and/or coastal and generally do not leave areas besides or within the water. Ketosa are generally finned or have webbed feet, and are almost always gilled, however, this is a generalisation and not a fixed, guaranteed trait. Ketosa are innately adapted for aquatic environments and those that reside in deeper depths have a strong pressure resistance and are innately larger but may not always be capable of living on the surface or at higher altitudes. Ketosa are known for oftentimes appearing piscene, marine mammal or cetacean-esque, sometimes even akin to amphibious or reptilian marine life. Ketosa are rarely capable of flight, however, those that are are generally prone to living alongside coasts, rather than being fully aquatic. Most Ketosa are known for oftentimes featuring the ability to produce a electroreception or echolocation, with those leaning towards carnivorous diets usually possessing the former whilst omnivorous and herbivorous Ketosa oftentimes feature echolocation instead. Keta may feature rather varied diets in comparison to Protean, which are almost exclusively carnivorous, many of which also feast upon Keta, as do many Merfolk depending on their age and size. Ketosa generally wield Elementum Creo and are known for their potent water or sound magics, although some Keta have been known for rarely having access to Viva Caelatura if they possess a Protean ancestry.


Known as Earth-Kaiju or Behema, Bhemosa are the most diverse clade out of all Veramono Daijebest— they are further subdivided by scholars based upon their broad feeding habits; the lumbering and ponderous vegetation-feeding Rhem-Bhehmosa that graze at wild-fields and dense tree-canopies; the more predatory and sharp-fanged Fenh-Bhehmosa; the Mhani-Bhehmosa, who feast rarely due to their ability to absorb ambient mana but predominantly consume any sort of magical items, sources of raw mana, and crystallised mana that they can find; and the lithovoric Atala-Bhehmosa, who often have solid mineral-elements intertwined with their own flesh and skin. This is not to say, of course, that these feeding-habits are unique to Kaiju of the Bhehma-clade; or even define all their members, for some are more omnivorous— rather, those major traits are considered useful in particular for subdividing members of this group, as Bhehmosa vary too drastically to classify readily. Most are migratory and travel across undeveloped lands— they generally do not come close to urban regions unless they take the forms of humanoids, but, like most True Kaiju, it would be rather atypical for them to do so. Bhehmosa come in a wide variety of forms— they are generally distinctly mammalian, but most are known for being far more generalised than most other Kaiju; they generally do not possess wings, although they may, and they generally do not possess adaptations for living consistently within the water. The mighty Rhem-Bhehmosa possess a natural regenerative factor that enables them to slowly recover from wounds; the Fehn-Bhehmosa oftentimes possess the ability to manipulate light to conceal themselves or as part of their courting rituals; the Mhani-Bhehmosa have the ability to absorb mana and restrict the mana of others through Sculpturia; and the Atala-Bhehmosa possess the ability to harden their skin to varying degrees of durability depending on their age. Bhehmosa are generally known for their tendency to have a wide array of forms of Elementum Creo in contrast to other variants, which oftentimes have specific ones that they utilise; some, additionally, utilise Natura Animi, however, the type of Natura Animi used varies from Beastfolk to Beastfolk— A Fehn-Bhehmosa might use it to amplify their physique whilst hunting for food whereas a Rhem-Bhehmosa might use it to regrow the foliage they had consumed.


Known as Sky-Kaiju or Imdugha, Imdugosa are known for their tendency to be almost chiefly aerial. Although some may rest upon mountain cliffsides or small ones may live in trees temporarily, Imdugha spend the bulk of their time within the air and are capable of flying almost non-stop. Imdugha are not the only Kaiju that can fly, as Kaiju are far too varied to state such, however, they are certainly the most capable of doing so and are very clearly adapted heavily for it. Many, though not all. have feathered bodies; others leathery wings or thin wing membranes with tubular veins, and still more levitate their enormous forms by magical means. Many of these titans often keep no nation; but instead move with the wind and with storms, appearing, and in the case of the more aggressive Kaiju, attacking settlements across Asla'nir at random before disappearing into the heavens again. As such, Imdugosa are regarded as terrifying by many inhabitants of Asla'nir, with many legends featuring tales of monsters that can block out the sun with their wings. Most, however, are quite sensible and remain close to nations that host sufficient enough food and prey for them— Humans are not particularly large enough to satisfy most Kaiju and as many Imdugosa are somewhat fragile in comparison to other Kaiju, it is usually far safer to avoid most humanoids; they may have hollow bones or feature exoskeletons instead of internal skeletons, even though some landbound Bhehmosa Kaiju have been known to feature both. As a result, they are generally far lighter than most Kaiju and thus far more capable of residing within the air for longer. Imdugosa generally feature wind-related magics, such as Tempestas or Caelus— they are generally known for their ability to withstand higher altitudes, thus requiring less oxygen and having more efficient means of gathering oxygen. Most Imdugosa have a natural knack for producing forms of fog, mist, and clouds— they can walk upon them and imbue them with special properties, oftentimes utilising their access to Natura Animi to produce toxic fogs or healing mists that can assist their allies and hinder their foes.


Distinctly invertebrates by nature, some Kanathosa are labelled with other Kaiju clades for obvious reasons— they are a highly diverse group themselves, however, most reside deep underground or within the furthest reaches of the ocean. Kanathosa are distinguished from Protean certainly by their completely invertebrate nature, although like Protean, are believed to potentially have been spawned by G'hira working with Fyjra to produce them. Many other Kaiju who might be seen as similar to invertebrates still possess spinal cords or even vertebrae— Kanathosa do not whatsoever. Instead, they feature insectoid or arthropod-like exoskeletons, masses of jointed limbs, and mandibular mouthpieces; or sometimes no general structure in lieu of soft and viscous bodies; shelled like snails or free squirming as with worms and cephalopods. Kenathosa are by far the rarest form of Kaiju, especially as many of those who would be classified as Kanathosa bred with other variants, hence resulting in their skeletal structures and spinal cords. Kanathosa are generally either rather generalist or hyperadapted for specific environments and are also generally rather small— as such, they are oftentimes forced to stay away from other species in the hopes that they may live far longer lifespans and thus, they are rather isolationistic. Kanathosa are generally known for their unusual ability to utilise Imperium Mentis as well as standard Kaiju magics like Elementum Creo, although they are generally weaker at the latter than most other Veramono Daijebest— in particular, Kanathosa possess a natural aptitude for telekinesis and telepathy, the latter of which some smaller Kanathosa utilise to coordinate their movements and to detect other Kanathosa for courtship purposes; Kanathosa lovers can connect their minds over long distances, which they utilise in order to ensure that their partners are safe.


Known as Jormgaro or Cave-Kaiju, Jorgarosa are almost entirely subterranean and reside predominantly underground. Jorgarosa are never winged and many are blind, relying on unique senses in order to compensate, such as enhanced smell or sight; echolocation; or even electroreception in the case of those that predominantly reside within partially or fully underwater caverns. Jorgarosa are generally somewhat small, but are quite capable burrowers. They are also remarkably endurant, with many featuring crystalline or earthen structures across their bodies, much like their Atala-Behemosa kin— some, even, can swim within lava, although it is uncommon. They may be carnivorous, feed on roots and tubers, or consume rocks, but one thing is certain: All Jorgarosa can go unusually long periods without food or water and many of them are capable of hibernation. It is thought that the bulk of Rayeno Daijebest may have been Jorgarosa, although this is only proven by the prevalence of surviving Rayeno Daijebest being Jorgarosa. Many Jormgarosa are distinctly vertebrates, as otherwise they would be classified as Kanathosa, but many are serpentine or worm-like; whereas some appear rodent-like; akin to a lagomorph; or some other burrowing animal. Many Jorgarosa have the propensity to wield Sonus, but most of them are known for their other elemental magics, such as Terra or Vulca— they naturally can burrow through sand and earth as easily as a Sea Serpent might swim. Some Jorgarosa are rarely bioluminescent— those that are may utilise Umbra et Lux as well.

Rayeno Daijebest

The most ancient out of all of the Kaiju variants, Rayeno Daijebest, sometimes known as 'Emperor Kaiju' or 'King Kaiju,' are generally ancient Veramono Daijebest dating back before Enyomirak's reign to the reign of High Queen Vhudra. Rayeno Daijebest are an exceedingly rare and dwindling race of all-powerful creatures which once dominated the nation of Aloernarch. After hundreds of years of being captured and slain to fuel sinister experimentation, the remainder of the first kaiju’s children resolved to burrow deep within the earth’s crust to escape their fates, never to return until the world had changed forevermore. Now, few of these fabled beasts have arisen from their immeasurable slumber, the rest of their kin deceased in their rocky graves after starving to death, but they have emerged with their sanity gone and only their most primal senses remaining. Rayeno Daijebest are by far the most powerful variants of kaiju, but the vast majority of their kind, save for those who are children of Daikaiju, possess no train of sentient thought or feeling. These powerful beings are well known for shaking the foundations of the very earth and causing the oceans to convulse ferociously when passing through, though direct sightings are extremely rare due to their isolationist nature. They are capable of enduring almost any biome presented before them due to their incomprehensible physicalilities, allowing them to inhabit the deepest depths of the ocean without succumbing to pressure, alongside the coldest icy wastelands and the most ferocious volcanos of Aloernarch, and when given time to mature over countless generations, they are known to grow to unpredictable and incomprehensible sizes in comparison to other races. The vast majority are generally reptilian in nature, however mammalian and amphibious variants have emerged over time. At such sizes, they typically become a small moving landscape themselves, either to be settled upon like the first Kaiju had been by Furukamese or molding into the seabeds and mountains themselves. Upon their deaths, the corpses of Rayeno Daijebest can serve as fully functioning ecosystems which support almost all manners of life, but once fallen, almost no form of necromancy except the most powerful can fully revive their titanic bodies.


Due to the sheet abundance of variety amongst the Quimeriddo, otherwise known as Chimera, it is difficult to describe them— most can be clearly defined as being what appears akin to an array of beasts combined into one form. Also identified as Pseudo Kaiju, Chimeras are oftentimes the result of crossbreeds a long time ago between one of the magnificent titans and another species, with the more common cases being variants of Draconians, Protean, and a wide variety of other fantastical creatures. Although they are generally lacking in physical strength and magical potency when compared to the other variants, they boast a unique method of handling offensive magic and the strong surges of sorcery which influx kingdoms like Aloernarch, Arkeum, and Udoxa: Instead of merely tolerating magic, they can absorb it instead, treating it like a supplementary nutrient. However, this innate ability can be overloaded by strong forms of offensive magic or if they drift too far into the deepest reaches of such kingdoms, resulting in an almost immediate death for the chimera in question. Instead of resembling giant monsters, chimeras generally take the appearances of multiple animals in their true forms, and thus are aptly thought of to be hybrids. As a result, it can be very difficult to classify Chimera due to their wide array of features— some have specific names, such as Grifon, oftentimes called Gryphons, Heiracosphinxes, Crosphinxes, or Pixiu, which are feline-like creatures with distinctive avian qualities, such as wings or beaks; however, most are simply described by their category. Some may even seem akin to almost entirely normal animals with a few out-of-place traits, such as the likes of so-called Pegusi and Woppertingers. Quimeriddo are the smallest form of Kaiju and are known for their highly adaptable nature— Quimeriddo are found all across Asla'nir outside of Tir'anor and come in many shapes and sizes. Most, however, are dwarfed by their Veramono Daijebest relatives and different types of Chimera grow at very different rates or reach different sizes. Quimeriddo are not nearly as powerful within the realm of elemental magic as their other Kaiju brethren but are instead unnaturally skilled at picking up new magics, especially essential magics, such as Imperium Mentis. Quimeriddo are the most likely to approach settlements and interact with mortals and thus are far more widely known, especially since many of those with Kaiju ancestry, such as Beastfolk, possess relation to Quimeriddo instead of other forms of Kaiju.

Region of Origin

Kaiju hail their ancestry from the Great Dragon-Turtle, Long Gui, the first of his kind— heralded as a demigod and the son of Kinyokar, Long Gui is believed to have been created by Fyjra utilising Kinyokar's blood and an array of animal parts— some claim them to be shed serpent skin; a feather; a tuft of fur; and the exoskeleton of a beetle, each one embodying renewal, honour, strength, and adaptation; the traits which his kin would come to embody. Whether or not this myth is true hardly matters— what truly matters is that Kaiju have been an endurant and persistent race from the dawn of Asla'nir's existence and their adaptable nature has permitted them to thrive and reside within almost all nations. Although Kaiju are predominantly found in Aloernarch, the wilderness and uncivilised portions of many nations are home to Quimeriddo and Veramono Daijebest— the only nation that does not feature Veramono Daijebest but features Quimeriddo is Aleria although Tir'anor features neither. Aloernarch is the only nation to feature the likes of Rayeno Daijebest, however, and they are entirely endemic to Aloernarch. Kaiju, however, that are outside of Aloernarch are generally far smaller and are somewhat rare, with only Udoxan Kaiju being of somewhat similar size— this is due to the fact that Kaiju, like most larger core races, feed upon mystical energies and require an abundance of potent environmental manas to grow to their full potential and size. This, however, does not stop smaller Kaiju from thriving across the world— they live in the forests, mountains, seas, caverns, deserts, tundras, volcanoes, and nearly every biome that can be spoken of.

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment



(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Social Attitudes and Etiquette

(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
All Viva Caelatura and Rogus Vitalus
  • Kaiju naturally possess the ability to passively adapt to a region that they reside within— this passive adaptation can take a long time and a Kaiju cannot drastically transition as an Amalesis might from one extreme to another, however, they will slowly adjust to a region that they consider their domicile for a decent while. As they transition, they may develop small bodily adaptations, albeit none that would shift their classification as a Kaiju, and their mana may shift— for example, a Ketosa who resides close to underwater volcanoes that may ordinarily utilise Vulca that transitions to a kelp forest might lose their access to Vulca and gain a greater access to Natura Animi in exchange whereas a Bhehmosa that migrates from an area full of lakes and rivers to a high altitude peak might transition from utilising Unda to Caelus.
  • Viva Caelatura
  • All forms of Kaiju slowly naturally adapt to the region they are within or the circumstances they have been presented with— in the case of Veramono Daijebest, they naturally develop a resistance to environmental manas depending on age. Rayeno Daijebest share this trait, however, their age has diminished much of its potential, whereas Quimeriddo instead develop a resistance towards spells being cast against them, although this resistance falters upon being struck by several spells in a row or if struck by too strong of a spell.
  • Nonspecific
  • Kaiju's natural ability to adapt to a given region can prove to be a hinderance, as most forms of Kaiju will find that their adaptation causes them to be weak to the opposing mana. For a Chimera, this can be particularly devastating, as should two mages attack them simultaneously, their magic absorption can be overwhelmed and will fail to block one as affectively as the other.
  • Veramono Daijebest and Rayeno Daijebest Elementum Creo and Natura Animi
  • Veramono Daijebest and Rayeno Daijebest naturally have a knack for a form of Elementum Creo— it oftentimes corresponds to where they come from, as a Daijebest hailing from a volcanic region might wield Vulca, so on and so forth. Most, additionally, have the ability to utilise Natura Animi, however, Kaiju do not have a strong potential for Natura Animi alone— instead they tend to imbue it into their Elementum Creo. Through this, Kaiju can bolster their capabilities, slowly regenerate themselves over time, and can recover from disease, which further contributes to their ability to adapt to a given area.
  • Elementum Creo
  • Most True Kaiju and Emperor Kaiju have a natural resistance towards the main form of elemental magic that they specifically use— those who utilise Vulca will naturally resist Vulca, so on and so forth.
  • Elementum Creo
  • Most True Kaiju and Emperor Kaiju have a .25x weakness to the opposing form of Elementum Creo to the one they have a natural knack for, increasing the damage it does to them whilst oftentimes also disrupting their own mana (e.g. a water mage can dampen the fire magic of a fire-based Veramono Daijebest).
  • Quimeriddo Imperium Mentis, Summa Substantiale, Natura Animi, Sacrum Deum Sol or Luna, or Rogus Vitalus
  • Chimera have a natural knack for essence-based magics rather than the fundamental magics that their kin generally have access to— their usage of Elementum Creo is incredibly lacklustre. The type used depends on the Chimera, with most Chimera having a natural specialisation in Luna, Sol, or some form of essence magic. Due to this, Chimera generally specialise in magic that is more passive and utility based, however, Chimera are capable of learning new magics quite readily beyond their innate potential. It should be noted that some utilise Viva Caelatura, however, this is generally self taught rather than a magic type they have an innate potential for (and also more common in certain types of Yokai than standard Quimerrido).
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    Primarily contributed by @fallenarkhein and @_orn.
    Additional contributions by @loquaciouslark.
    Original concept by @fallenarkhein and @_orn.

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