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From Beyond the Veil


  • Difficulty To Work With: Beginner; beyond balancing and some cultural differences between Kjir and Humans, Kjir are generally somewhat easy to manage. Their sheer number of variants can be overwhelming for some, but they're a decent introduction into an inhuman species.
  • Permissions: Only Uvark require permission; all others can be made without requesting permission from staff.
  • Activity: Most variants lean diurnal.
  • Languages: Jotun.
  • Regions: Aloernarch, although small populations do exist in parts of Vasterioth and Udoxa.
  • Major Faiths: Alyriana, Arikar, and Ki are consistently popular amongst most variants, however, some worship other Gods as well, but it depends on the variant— for example, Steinjotun worship Fyjra.
  • Courting: Kjir are polyamorous and generally seek out partners that can support their children, those they deeply respect, or produce potent heirs, however, Kjir are more likely to have partners for the sake of love than other Aloernarchian species.
  • Major Cultural Notes: Kjir live in tight-knit clans and whilst certain variants are prone to infighting, most Kjir are generally amicable towards one another. Kjir, however, generally have a distaste for certain members of the Jotun court, as they believe them to have lost touch with the day-to-day struggles of Kjir, particularly those who have never partaken in battle. Most Kjir clans have moderate territories, however, each clan varies from nomadic to sedentary and each clans' values vary depending on the variant of Kjir. Kjir take great pride in their children passing various rites of passage as they age that vary from clan to clan and they are granted tattoos for completing them— those that fail to complete them oftentimes are scorned by their parents, however, and particularly ruthless siblings might attempt to interrupt their siblings' rites, although, should they be caught or perform kin-slaying without it being in the name of self-defense, they are oftentimes exiled.

Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=



Giant, Draconian, Humanoid, Very Rare

All Others

Giant, Varies, Humanoid, Uncommon

Average Threat Level

Moderate to High



(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)



Named after their ancestors, the Fjellojotun, or the 'Mountain Giants,' are named after their particular inhabited region— hailing from the Oraxyl Mountains of Vasterioth originally, when they moved to Aloernarch with their kin, they took to Drigath Mountains. Specialised to endure harsher temperatures at its middle ranges, the higher up the mountain the Fjelljo in question lives, the larger they are— as a result, Fjelljo range from nine feet tall (2.74 metres) to thirteen feet tall (3.96 metres) and their muscularity and strength scale in turn. Stronger Fjelljo are notably slower than weaker Fjelljo, a factor that makes them relatively capable of clashing against one another despite their differences in strength. Those who reside in its many caverns are far smaller regardless of the altitude they hail from, however. Fjelljo are generally known for their lack of magical prowess in comparison to many other Kjir— many, in fact, consider them the original variant of Kjir and that all other Kjir are the result of intermixing with various other species. Despite that, Fjelljo do have a considerable knack for the innate magics of Kjir that are oftentimes ignored— they are capable users of Viva Caelatura and Imperium Mentis, whilst most of their other kin have sacrificed their full potential in such magics for elemental magics. They do, however, have one particularly stand out capability— Fjelljo can manage to persist after a fatal wound for as long as half a minute and their organs continue to function for considerably longer than most species' post mortem.


Stemming from the Stone Giants, the ancient Steinjotun, Steinka are the smallest variant of Kjir, standing at around eight feet (2.44 metres) tall to eleven feet (3.35 metres) tall— despite that, they are decently hardy, notably strong for their size, and have the ability to turn their skin into an almost rock-like substance that makes them on par with hardened leather or beyond depending on their talent with it. Believed to have distant Beinníanh or Kaiju ancestry, Steinka have some unusual traits beyond their tendency to have grey skin— many have almost bestial or Fae-like traits, with sharp features; skin with stone-like patterns or patches; notable fangs and claws; and sometimes even horns or bestial body parts like ears or tails. Having latent Terra and a knack for Natura Animi, the humble Steinka choose to settle in the plains and lower portions of the Drigath Mountain Range of Aloernarch. Although they are generally not militaristic and are a peaceful people, their ability to use Natura Animi enables them a wide array of abilities to defend, provide for, and heal themselves, despite the attempts of some other types of Kjir to raid their villages for food in times of desperation. They are one of the only Kjir variants to be entirely sedentary, settling in established villages with beasts that they've tamed from the wilds using their natural attunement with them and they often take these bestial companions into warfare and conflict with them, riding upon them or fighting side by side with them.


Descendants of the mighty Ildjotun, otherwise known as the Fire Giants, Ildkir are powerful combatants that are generally renowned for one rather unusual factor that leads to their success— they are one of the few Aloernarchian peoples to focus on proper training of their warriors, the ability to forge iron, and militaristic stratagem. Ildkir and Ildjotuun in general are believed to have a Primordial or Draconian ancestry and this is often manifested in their magmatic or fiery hair, molten eyes, and sometimes obsidian-like skin. They stand at ten (3.05 metres) to thirteen feet (3.96 metres) tall, making them moderate sized in comparison to other Kjir. Due to hailing from Aloernarch's volcanic regions, sedentary Ildkir clans use their ashes to produce fields of crops whereas more nomadic Ildkir clans use their combative talents to take on other denizens of Aloernarch and its megafauna. They possess a natural talent with destructive magics, such as either Vulca or Ignis, however, Ildkir notably lack potential for many of the magics naturally known by Kjir, oftentimes faltering in using Viva Caelatura and Imperium Mentis. Known for their ability to regenerate nonessential portions of their body by producing a magmatic replacement that eventually solidifies with an obsidian-like covering over the span of several weeks, Ildkir rarely allow injuries to halt them from performing their duties to their clans. Their general hardiness to heat and the rarity of species who would venture into their territories generally enables them to provide a strong defense against all but the most territorial of Kaiju, Draconians, Protean, and Primordials— which often enables the particularly raider-orientated Ildkir to get away with their actions.


Related to the Isejotun, or the 'Ice Giants,' Isemor are oftentimes believed to have Draconian or Primordial heritage— featuring icy eyes; ivory, grey, or light blue skin; and frosted hair, Isemor hail from the highest peaks of the Drigath Mountain Range and, although elusive now, their ancestors were amongst somme of the most common in Vasterioth. Due to their exposure to mana and the Giants they hail from being rather large, Isemor naturally stand at heights of eleven feet (3.35 metres) to fourteen feet (4.26 metres) tall. Their habitat, as harsh as it is, has given them a tolerance for freezing temperatures, limited oxygen, and differences in air pressure. Having lived alongside the Uvarjotun and Draconians for millennia, the Isemor have a high literacy rate due to sharing their extensive libraries— talented casters of magic, Isemor are scholars first and foremost who study magic and the world around them. Although they possess an innate talent for Glacies, there are still many Isemor who choose to abandon their ice magic for other forms of spellcasting, such as those more traditional to ancient Jotuun, which they study eagerly in hopes to regarner their ancient magics— despite that, Isemor imbue the essence of frost into their spells and have mastered the art of slowing foes to make up for their lacklustre speed due to their bulk. As Isemor are generally isolated from other Kjir and have generally strong skills at producing sturdy architecture, they generally worry very little about infighting amongst other Jotunkin, finding the squabbling of their kin to be nonsensical.


Hailing from the Skodjotun, or the Fog Giants, Skodvulk are known for their transparent, mist-like hair, which often comes in shades of indigo, violet, sea green, or acid green; their remarkably pallid or dark skin due to some sort of disruptive selection within their populace; and their glowing eyes, which oftentimes come in tones similar to their hair or are dark. Some have tails and minor adaptations for an arboreal lifestyle, as Skodjotun sometimes make their homes on the tops of or within trees or large mushrooms. Skodvulk are not particularly remarkable in strength for a Kjir of their size nor are they large, as they stand at nine (2.74 metres) to twelve feet (3.657 metres) tall, making them decently small, however, they have remarkable agility in spite of that. Residing within the marshlands, fens, and mires of Aloernarch, Skodvulk are known for their innate talents with Umbra et Lux and Tempestas— through the use of fog and illusions, Skodvulk disorientate their prey, turn themselves invisible, and hinder their foes' eyesight. Then, they strike, leaping out from the shadows with their spears, javelins, and shields and with Skodvulk lurking in the trees providing a volley of arrows to assist their kin on the ground. Skodvulk, however, are particularly notable for their innate ability to detect illusions and see through patches of fog. Much like many of the other variants of Kjir, Skodvulk have a few allies that they oftentimes hunt with— namely, Draconians and Regului, and whilst not every clan works alongside one, some younger members of these species are willing to work with them in hunting from time to time or even defend their clans against invaders. Larger settlements with Draconians, Regului, and/or Psylikin may occassionally trade with them instead.


Having mastered the ability to walk upon and build structures upon clouds, the Skyejo, descendants of the Skyejotun or Cloud Giants, are generally unaffected by most of the other Kjirian tribes. Particularly insistent on luxury, the Skyejo specialise in producing artisan crafts and luxury goods that generally appease very few Aloernarchians beyond nobility and those who hold power within Kjirian clans. Viewed as haughty, prideful, and dogmatic, most Kjir do not appreciate the Skyejo, who oftentimes look down upon them for their simpler lifestyles. Skyejo are amongst some of the few Aloernarchians who value the Aloernarchian coin and actively exchange currency despite its infrequency of use outside of large cities. Valuing those who can maneuver easily within the skies above all else, many Skyejo tame the likes of flying beasts, make rudimentary and small airships, and have relations with flying races like Draconians, Regului, Protean, and Kaiju in the hopes that their children might have wings. Notably tall and lithe, standing at twelve (3.66 metres) to fifteen feet (4.57 metres) tall, Skyejo are remarkably fast movers, but notably weak in comparison to many of the other larger Kjir. They utilise their mastery of Caelus to bowl over their opponents, strike from far away, and, most notably, temporarily fly for brief bouts through levitation in order to compensate for their general fragility.


Distinctly related to the Svantraamik Vekmurth, Uvark, related to the Uvarjotun or the Storm Giants, were once the leaders of Kjirian society due to their dispositions and power. Ranging from thirteen feet (3.96 metres) to fifteen and a half feet (4.75 metres) in height, Uvark are relatively large Kjir. Native to the highest peaks of the Drigath Mountain Range, much like the Isemor, the Uvark had immense libraries due to their appreciation of literature. Many Uvark leaders took advantage of the innate Imperium Mentis Kjir have and could read minds, which they used to better understand the wishes of their people. After High Queen Vhudrarthoxa took the throne, the Uvark stood against her with the Giants and Draconians and were subsequently wiped out— if they were not slaughtered outright by the conflict, many were kidnapped and leeched of their magic, which led to their death. As a result, some Uvark fled the nation to Vasterioth and Udoxa, but most fled deeper into the mountains, only emerging from these holds when Enyomirak rose to power in Aloernarch. Uvark have distinctive glowing markings that trace across their skin, which trace across them in paths akin to lightning. Their skin was oftentimes greyscale or darker in tone and many were Dragonfolk outright before the Svantraamik Vekmurth were brought to the brink of extinction. Known for their natural talent with Fulmen, Uvark were talented enchanters who traded enchanted goods with other Jotunkin clans. Uvark were the only Kjir known for golemancy and rudimentary magitech and this was, in part, due to their Fulmen sharing the properties of the magic of their Draconian relatives and in part due to their understanding of magical materials— their magic could also be used to charge magitech devices, although it damages them over time.


Expert ship-crafters, sailors, and fishermen, the Hvalar were not always part Protean or Draconian, but many intermingled with Protean over time, resulting in Hvalar having Merfolk-like adaptations. The Hvalar stem from the ancient Hvaljotun, or the Whale Giants, with the name stemming from the whales that their kin often hunted and that the Hvaljotun and Hvalar still hunt to this day. Found near Aloernarch's bodies of water and its coastlines, the Hvalar have blue-tinged, grey, white, or standard humanoid skin tones; webbed fingers; and gills. Some, even, have tails, patches of scales, and fins, although these are generally considered Merfolk rather than purely Hvalar. Hvalar are moderately small in height, standing at around nine feet (2.74 metres) to twelve feet tall (3.66 metres). Hvalar are known for their natural electroreception, their skill in Unda, and their ability to utilise Sonus to great effect. Through Sonus, many have figured out how to mimic the songs and calls of cetaceans and sea birds, which they use to attract them. Hvalar also can utilise magic to increase their swim speed dramatically from a standard humanoid. Those with substantial Protean ancestry, however, have a notable knack for Viva Caelatura and they oftentimes use this to enchant their ships, javelins, and harpoons, the latter of which they use to hunt their prey. Some, even, have figured out how to produce ships that are capable of converting into rudimentary airships, however, this is a particularly elusive talent amongst their populace.


Used to hot climates within the Aurulvis Desert, Ørkeot, related to the Ørkenjotun, which were known as Desert Giants, are one of the few variants of Jotunkin to only show up after the Giants moved to Aloernarch. They range from eleven feet (3.35 metres) to thirteen feet in height (3.96 metres). Ørkeot are relatively peaceful, oftentimes establishing trade between their clans, neighbouring species, and those they can reach through their ships. Ørkeot are unusual for several reasons— beyond their clear adaptations to the desert that distinguish them from many other Kjir, Ørkeot have a third eyelid that allows them to be unaffected by sandstorms, a tolerance for harsh sunlight and heat, the ability to limit their consumption of water, and some even have longer, rounded ears akin to a cervid that allow them to transmit heat. Ørkeot have the innate ability to manipulate Umbra et Lux to a limited degree and many can see better in the dark than other Jotunkin— this is because most Ørkeot are active at night and need to be able to see their way in the darkness. Ørkeot, however, are predominantly known for their innate talent with Viscus Insero, which many believe to be a result of a distant Reguluian heritage— they possess a natural regenerative factor, healing minor and moderate wounds even in the midst of combat— and an innate talent for Mortis, which they use to reanimate the bones of the prey they do not keep to make weaponry or utilise in bone magic. Ørkeot do maintain some talent with their ancestral magics unlike many of the specialised Jotunkin, however, it is predominantly in telepathy, which they use to communicate with each other whilst wandering the dunes, and some minor talents in enchanting.

Region of Origin

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment



(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Social Attitudes and Etiquette

(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
Variant (Insert Form)
  • Discuss the magic types and racials given to each variant.
  • Discuss what type of magical resistance they have and the extent of it.
  • Discuss what type of magical weaknesses they have and the extent of it.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
  • 700 to 900 lbs
  • 317.52 to 408.23 kg
  • 350 to 450 lbs
  • 158.76 to 204.11 kg
  • 650 to 900 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Steinka
  • 750 to 850 lbs
  • 340.19 to 385.55 kg
  • 350 to 425 lbs
  • 158.76 to 192.77 kg
  • 700 to 850 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Ildkir
  • 800 to 950 lbs
  • 362.87 to 430.91 kg
  • 400 to 475 lbs
  • 181.44 to 215.46 kg
  • 800 to 950 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Isemor
  • 800 to 1100 lbs
  • 362.87 to 498.95 kg
  • 400 to 550 lbs
  • 181.44 to 249.48 kg
  • 850 to 1000
  • 300 psi
  • Skodvulk
  • 750 to 850 lbs
  • 340.19 to 385.55 kg
  • 375 to 425 lbs
  • 170.10 192.77 kg
  • 750 to 900 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Skyejo
  • 700 to 800 lbs
  • 317.52 kg
  • 350 to 400 lbs
  • 158.76 to 181.44 kg
  • 650 to 750 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Uvark
  • 900 to 1200 lbs
  • 408.23 to 544.31 kg
  • 450 to 600 lbs
  • 204.12 to 272.16 kg
  • 900 to 1100 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Hvalar
  • 850 to 950 lbs
  • 385.55 to 430.91 kg
  • 425 to 475 lbs
  • 192.78 to 215.46 kg
  • 800 to 950 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Ørkeot
  • 800 to 900 lbs
  • 362.87 to 408.23 kg
  • 400 to 450 lbs
  • 181.44 to 204.12 kg
  • 750 to 900 psi
  • 300 psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
  • 30 to 33 mph
  • 48.28 to 53.11 km/h
  • N/A
  • 3 to 5 mph
  • 1.86 to 3.11 km/h
  • 275 ms
  • 34 to 37 mph
  • 21.13 to 22.99 km/h
  • Steinka
  • 29 to 32 mph
  • 46.67 to 51.50 km/h
  • N/A
  • 2 to 4 mph
  • 3.22 to 6.44 km/h
  • 300 ms
  • 33 to 36 mph
  • 53.11 to 57.94 km/h
  • Ildkir
  • 31 to 35 mph
  • 49.89 to 56.33 km/h
  • N/A
  • 2 to 4 mph
  • 3.22 to 6.44 km/h
  • 275 ms
  • 35 to 39 mph
  • 56.33 to 62.76 km/h
  • Isemor
  • 28 to 32 mph
  • 45.06 to 51.50 km/h
  • N/A
  • 2 to 4 mph
  • 3.22 to 6.44 km/h
  • 300 ms
  • 32 to 36 mph
  • 51.50 to 57.94 km/h
  • Skodvulk
  • 32 to 36 mph
  • 51.50 to 57.94 km/h
  • N/A
  • 4 to 6 mph
  • 6.44 to 9.66 km/h
  • 250 ms
  • 36 to 40 mph
  • 57.94 to 64.37 km/h
  • Skyejo
  • 34 to 38 mph
  • 54.72 to 61.16 km/h
  • 20 to 25 mph
  • 32.19 to 40.23 km/h
  • 3 to 5 mph
  • 1.86 to 3.11 km/h
  • 250 ms
  • 38 to 42 mph
  • 61.16 to 67.59 km/h
  • Uvark
  • 30 to 34 mph
  • 48.28 to 54.72 km/h
  • N/A
  • 3 to 5 mph
  • 1.86 to 3.11 km/h
  • 275 ms
  • 34 to 38 mph
  • 54.72 to 61.16 km/h
  • Hvalar
  • 30 to 34 mph
  • 48.28 to 54.72 km/h
  • N/A
  • 10 to 13 mph
  • 16.09 to 20.92 km/h
  • 275 ms
  • 34 to 38 mph
  • 54.72 to 61.16 km/h
  • Ørkeot
  • 31 to 35 mph
  • 49.89 to 56.33 km/h
  • N/A
  • 2 to 4 mph
  • 3.22 to 6.44 km/h
  • 275 ms
  • 35 to 39 mph
  • 56.33 to 62.76 km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    (Put your username here, as well as anyone who helped you come up with the concept. E.G. Primarily contributed by: W Original concept by: X Adjustments made by: Y (Minor, Major, Moderate) additions made by: Z You get the picture.)

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