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From Beyond the Veil


  • Difficulty To Work With: Advanced; Protean can be very difficult to work with due to difficulties in balancing, differences in mentality from standard Human sentiment, and their intricacies in history and culture, however, since many are not inherently social, there can be some leeway in that facet.
  • Permissions: Protean require permission from staff to create.
  • Activity: Varies from Protean to Protean.
  • Languages: Lidaire.
  • Major Faiths: G'hira is the most popular faith, however, some Protean have been known to take on faiths like Arikar as well.
  • Regions: Although Protean have high populations in Aloernarch, Fydrassi, and Barasaire, they are found in all nations except for Tir'anor.
  • Courting: Protean rarely establish any sort of long term relationship outside of a few select variants— due to most having external reproduction, many simply reproduce and abandon their young in most cases, thus not requiring a relationship in order to maintain said young. When they do establish a long-term relationship, however, it is usually an individual they have a general respect for, generally due to their potency. They can be monoamorous, polyamorous, or ambiamorous depending on the variant.
  • Major Cultural Notes: Protean generally serve the Protean Court within Aloernarch, however, Protean are generally noted for their lack of complex social structures beyond said court— they predominantly are solitary with the exception of a few variants, oftentimes only interacting with a subservient Merfolk clan that they serve as begrudging guardians for or their partners or relatives, should they have any. They oftentimes care very little for social matters, only focusing on maintaining their territory and day-to-day survival.


Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=


Average Threat Level



(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)



Amongst the most abundant of the Protean people, the Fotjarikan are generally classified as those akin to the bulk of Chondrichthyes or Osteichthyes— they may feature either denticles, skin, or scales; cartilaginous skeletons or bony skeletons; and swim bladders or fatty livers, however, most Fotjarikans are generally easily recognizable. Cartilaginous skeletons are quite rare, as immature Fotjarikan generally feature bony skeletons, however, upon metamorphosizing into their mature forms, they undergo a process known as cartiliginization. They possess a streamlined body, a lateral line, and generally feature a wide array of fins (although some are similar to rays, and, thus, appear very different)— a vertical tail fin, a dorsal fin, an anal fin, and two ventral fins. Some possess claspers, however, many Fotjarikan do not and thus reproduce externally. Fotjarikan can reside within any type of water— brackish, freshwater, saltwater, or saline— and can reside at many different depth levels— those who reside below the mesopelagic zone are generally bioluminescent or sometimes partially or fully translucent, with adaptations to see in the dark. Fotjarikan are generally recognized as having strong bite forces for Protean, however, their main distinguishing feature by far is their natural electroreception— they can sense the electrical signals of their prey, which gives them an advantage in detecting them, although this predominantly works in water and is lacklustre whilst outside of it. The multitude of variants of Fotjarikan, however, are oftentimes noted for having different magical abilities— ray-like Fotjarikan are capable healers who can restore and cleanse wounds; shark-like Fotjarikan seem to be capable of utilising Viva Caelatura in order to induce various effects with their jaws; and other fish-like Fotjarikan are known for their capable Viscus Insero, which they use to modify their own bodies.


Taking on the guise of non-sessile mollusks, such as gastropods and cephalopods, Odvou are oftentimes referred to as 'Kraken' amongst other names. Odvou tend to be native to Stelaterian waters, particularly near Udoxa and Vasterioth— they are rarely found outside of these regions, however, they can still be found throughout Asla'nir irregardless with the exception of Tir'anor. Odvou are a peculiarity in comparison to many of those who resemble invertebrates, such as Kaiju— Odvou still maintain portions of their skeletal structure after metamorphosis, however, it has been predominantly coalesced into the likes of shells, quills, and other structures within them or externally, which are referred to as ossial conches. The only exception to this are their teeth, which remain within their beak or make up their scapula. The ossial conch is capable of growing with the Odvou; should they lose their ossial conch, it will regenerate over time. Odvou are distinctively Eldritch-like and are believed to resemble G'hira, the Protean Creation Goddess, the most— they often feature several sets of eyes or other preternatural traits that indicate their heritage.


Echinoderms and other sessile marine animals




Serpentine (Eels, sea snakes, lampreys, oarfish, so on and so forth)


Marine reptiles




Sky-based— remarkably reptilian or avian, usually considered Draconic.


Marine mammals




Floating magma cetaceans and fish

Region of Origin

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment



(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Social Attitudes and Etiquette

(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
Variant (Insert Form)
  • Discuss the magic types and racials given to each variant.
  • Discuss what type of magical resistance they have and the extent of it.
  • Discuss what type of magical weaknesses they have and the extent of it.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    (Put your username here, as well as anyone who helped you come up with the concept. E.G. Primarily contributed by: W Original concept by: X Adjustments made by: Y (Minor, Major, Moderate) additions made by: Z You get the picture.)

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