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From Beyond the Veil


  • Difficulty To Work With: Varies; Revived difficulty depends heavily on the original species of the Revived in question, however, Revived tend to be a bit more complex than the average member of a given species.
  • Permissions: Depends upon their race before being resurrected.
  • Activity: Most Revived cannot physically sleep nor do they have need for it; those that do not require sleep are active at all times, however, Vampyres are nocturnal and can sleep, as they can still perform most biological functions.
  • Languages: Imperialis.
  • Major Faiths: Nethis and Vastar are the most common, although most additionally worship Gods from before they died.
  • Regions: Udoxa or Vasterioth in most cases; Yūrei are native to Furukame.
  • Courting: Depends upon their race before being resurrected.
  • Major Cultural Notes: Due to Revived oftentimes being rejected from their original societies with the exception of a select few species or regions, Revived oftentimes have to integrate into groups that would accept them instead. Most, however, still possess the idiosyncrasies and preferences they held before they died.

Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=



Varies, Humanoid or Non-Humanoid, Undead, Uncommon at Baseline


Varies, Humanoid or Non-Humanoid, Undead, Uncommon at Baseline

Ben Síde

Varies, Humanoid or Non-Humanoid, Undead, Rare at Baseline


Varies, Humanoid or Non-Humanoid, Undead, Rare at Baseline


Varies, Humanoid or Non-Humanoid, Undead, Rare at Baseline


Varies, Humanoid or Non-Humanoid, Undead, Uncommon at Baseline


Cambion and/or Celestial, Varies, Humanoid or Non-Humanoid, Undead, Extremely Rare

Average Threat Level


Depends on what they were before being reanimated.


Depends on what they were before being reanimated.

Ben Síde

Depends on what they were before being reanimated.


Depends on what they were before being reanimated.


Depends on what they latched onto.

Armigar Inani

Depends on what they were before becoming Armigar Inani.


Depends on what they were before being cursed.


Depends on what they were before being reanimated, but they are generally much stronger than the average member of their species.



(Feel free to remove if it is inapplicable.)



Better known as the Revenant, Kanstager are generally mistaken for the common zombie thrall used by necromancers in a pinch— they are a type of Forlorn that has the bulk of their body intact and thus can appear remarkably close to someone who is living depending on when their body was resurrected. Some Kanstager are also the result of what was equivalent to a Luurkjet being granted flesh or someone outright producing a body to transplant a soul into. Damage inflicted to a Kanstager will sap away their death essence and bring them close to death, as it will with any Forlorn, however, Kanstager are somewhat able to prevent the lose of death essence through injury by obtaining more biomass to replace the lost body parts, a process somewhat easy with access to an innate potential with Viscus Insero and Rogus Vitalus. As such, many practised Kanstager have a slight regenerative factor, but it relies on nearby biomass being present. Kanstager are known for their ability to consume food despite their undead state, but it will not digest in the same mannerism that a living individual would digest food— instead, the Kanstager in question can choose to incorporate its biomass into themselves. Beyond gaining access to the memories of any organism they consume, they can also gain temporary access to the manas lingering within their torso, should they consume any piece of it or the organs within, and they may be able to take on similar appearances or biological features of that entity. For example, should a Kanstager somehow obtain a Balikdarr heart, they would temporarily have a weak petrifying gaze and may manifest scales, serpentine eyes, feathers, or even vestigial wings. Kanstager are generally relatively recently resurrected Forlorn and thus are rather uncommon, as most Forlorn are fairly old. Kanstager oftentimes have much of their body intact, allowing them to retain more physical strength from the time they were alive, as many Forlorn are quite physically weak by happenstance.



Ben Síde





Yūrei are believed to be amongst the oldest Forlorn in existence— created accidentally by early Spirit Healers, Yūrei are classified as a type of Yokai in the nation they are native to, Karitai. Yūrei are believed to be the accidental creations of Spirit Healers attempting to mass-resurrect innocents after a major battle resulted in their demise. Through utilising a mixture of clashing magics, the result was botched. Reprimanding the Spirit Healers, Gods such as Nethis and Fyjra sought to remedy the situation and as a result, the modern Yūrei was created. Yūrei are incredibly adaptable, can reproduce asexually, and come in a wide array of forms, said to be a result of a blessing from Fyjra to honour her lost child, their creator. Yūrei, like Ben Síde, Henkelsie, and Daiesthai, are unable to experience harm from environmental conditions. Yūrei do not have identities upon being split off from another Yūrei— they are, in essence, mindless spirits, known as Fuyūrei, that float about Karitai, searching for their purpose. Once they encounter a suitable spirit being passed on to the Lower Depths or a suitable corpse, they can take up limited forms of the manas upon that corpse or spirit, including its mind essence, essentially gaining the memories, appearance, and lesser forms of the magic of that individual. These Yūrei begin to believe themselves to be that individual and have a given purpose that will allow them to free themselves from this mortal plane— upon achieving that purpose, the Yūrei buds off into several new Yūrei, with the original one disappearing. Yūrei innately have spiritsight, allowing them to detect those beyond the Veil, the ability to inherit lesser forms of the magic of the individual they take after, and second-degree soulsight, but they have no potential for other magics beyond Rogus Vitalus and additional magics that depend upon the variant of Yūrei they are. Many Yūrei can also levitate, although Yūrei are not inherently guaranteed to be aware that they have the ability to do so.


Onryō are Yūrei who have gained the memories of someone who died a violent death— Onryō are incredibly aggressive in comparison to most other Yūrei, as many believe themselves to have been greviously wronged. Oftentimes, Onryō will seek out those they believe to have murdered them or been the result of their demise and may attempt to harm them. Goryō is sometimes used synonymously, but it generally applies to Onryō believed to be the spirits of nobles or guardians who have died unjust deaths, such as in defending their people or being assassinated. An Onryō's physicality depends on precisely who they took the form of, as do all Yūrei, however, Onryō are generally stronger than most other Yūrei— whereas most Yūrei simply take up a limited portion of the physical strength of an individual past a certain point, Onryō may be even stronger than the entity they are mimicking should that individual be lesser in strength, such as a Human. Onryō are revered and feared for their power and many Karitains are more than willing to either assist an Onryō or step aside, as many believe that Onryō are ultimately defenders of Karitai in the sense that they often enact vengeance upon murderers, rapists, and war criminals that would otherwise continue to harm people. Onryō traditionally have stronger than usual magic from the individual who passed, but generally do not have any notable magic beyond that point, although magics that the original user possessed that were more volatile in nature are oftentimes stronger than what a Yūrei would normally inherit, thus garnering Onryō an association with Elementum Creo and, rarely, Vis Stellae or Sacrum Deum. Many claim that Onryō are agents of Enyomirak or Nethis, brought forth to dispose of the corrupt and evil, as mythos state that the most powerful Onryō could cause natural disasters, although the claim is unsubstantiated.


Ubume are believed by many to be those who die protecting their children or in childbirth— in reality, most scholars believe Ubume to be a type of Yūrei that is predominantly centred around those who die natural deaths with a certain unfinished business, although the idea of the Ubume being centred around parents stems from an ancient mythos of a specific Ubume in the Tiān Shàn Range who would pass travellers her 'child,' which would turn out to be a bundle of sticks. Ubume are known for their ability to take on the shapes of certain animals (namely, small fish and birds) and to produce complex illusions, but most are relatively harmless in contrast to the likes Onryō and many other 'Yokai.' Ubume traditionally are found close to civilisation upon formation but many tend to wander off towards bodies of water unless they manage to find 'their family,' in which case they will serve as a guardian for them. Ubume produce a magical poisonous substance that has rather distinct properties— beyond it being rather toxic to ingest, Ubume are able to hurl it towards given individual, in which it will cause localised cell death in the region it lands. Ubume traditionally appear to manifest it through a mixture of offensive Natura Animi and, surprisingly, Unda, which they use to control its trajectory mid-air. Ubume are traditionally quite weak, especially those who take on the form of older individuals, although some Ubume do show the ability to seemingly change their age and revert back to a younger state of the person they have inherited the memories of, in which case they are significantly more capable physically. Despite this, their impressive illusory capabilities allow them to defend themselves decently well, as Ubume have been shown to be capable of manipulating small areas around them almost entirely through illusions, illusions that hold unusually well until they venture far enough away or they grow tired with their magic. Ubume are frequently delusional that these illusions are real, leading many to believe that Ubume have the passive ability to produce illusions based on what they believe to be true, rather than truly controllable Umbra et Lux.


Funayūrei are believed to be Yūrei who have absorbed the memories of someone who has drowned, especially those who were lost at sea. Funayūrei are traditionally rather aggressive and are sometimes classified as a type of Onryō, however, not all Funayūrei are aggressive and many simply wander, hoping to find their families once more. Funayūrei have an array of quite conflicting appearances according to mythos and have been found in many forms— traditionally, they appear as the individual they believe themselves to be, but they have also been found taking on forms akin to Merfolk or even smaller versions of the same boats they supposedly drowned on. Funayūrei







Armiger Inani





Falkri, or rather, as they are known within Vasterioth, Valkyries, are named after a set of elite warriors that served the Gods Vastar and Nethis. Falkri are not inherently Celestials, but always have Celestial blood— it is said that the most potent Falkri spawn from Erelim ancestry, however, quite a few Falkri are Lucialim and Altalim who fled to Vasterioth and Udoxa to escape the continuously worsening corruption in Aaliya Bara due to the influences of corrupted faiths, tyrannical governments, and Dimonian imperialisation. Although most Celestials do not readily or easily integrate into Cambion society due to a long history of mutual racial prejudice, Falkri are always the exception— their longstanding support of the Undead and resurrection of Revived results in the bulk of Vasteriothians and Udoxans begrudgingly accepting them regardless of their origins. Falkri are Spirit Healers, members of an ancient, powerful sect of worshippers of various death Gods— their magic is passed down to them slowly by mentors and it can take several thousand years to be proficient at their main tasks and duties: Harvesting the souls of the dead so they might be consumed by the Goddess of Destination, guiding the dead to the Hall of Judgement, and resurrecting those worthy of a second chance— oftentimes, those who died of unnatural causes. Their proficiency in Rogus Vitalus, Viscus Insero, and Summa Substantiale is rarely rivalled except by other Spirit Healers and sometimes very high-ranking Daiesthai, however, most tend to have diminished racial magics. Their appearances vary according to their base race and variant, however, Falkri are known for their spectral appearances and slowly depleting melanin due to most being quite Undead.







Degree of Sapience

Forlorn are entirely sapient in the sense that they are capable of clear emotion and thought, something that separates them from the Undead thralls produced via Rogus Vitalus and/or Viscus Insero. It should be important to note, however, that sapience amongst Undead is not purely derived from possessing a soul— Forlorn traditionally are those who have their souls restored through that of a Spirit Healer, however, organic 'golems' can be produced by animating corpses with Vis Stellae and these are akin to Forlorn, in a sense. Although they often lack many of the defining characteristics, racial abilities, and the ability to cast proper magic, these crude pseudo-Forlorn are capable of existing, albeit generally not for long, especially if the individual in question did not think to properly preserve the body through the usage of necromantic magics. An example of this, although generally not classified as Forlorn, are certain types of Wendigo. There have also been instances of certain 'Undead' variants amongst races, such as Ymirian Jotuun, however, they are not true Undead, merely difficult to kill, and reckless spellcasting of this nature in efforts to preserve oneself oftentimes results in harmful consequences, such as one's soul being trapped within their body. True Forlorn are, by all means, resurrected by a Spirit Healer (or Mictlancura, in the case of Tir'anorians), however, the Forlorn people welcome other Undead with open arms and are generally more than content with incorporating these other Undead into their societies (as seen with certain peoples, like Vampires, which are only Undead by technicality).

Region of Origin

Preferred Biome


Food Obtainment



(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Social Attitudes and Etiquette

(Can add === Variant === if required.)

Common Faiths

(Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)

Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
Variant (Insert Form)
  • Discuss the magic types and racials given to each variant.
  • Discuss what type of magical resistance they have and the extent of it.
  • Discuss what type of magical weaknesses they have and the extent of it.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

    (Can add === Variant === and/or === Universal === if required.)


    (Put your username here, as well as anyone who helped you come up with the concept. E.G. Primarily contributed by: W Original concept by: X Adjustments made by: Y (Minor, Major, Moderate) additions made by: Z You get the picture.)

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