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Beyond the Veil

From Beyond the Veil
(Redirected from The Fall of Sanctuary)

About the Beyond the Veil

Beyond the Veil is a multi-genre high fantasy project that, historically, possesses over a thousand pages of lore. We felt like it was time to transition to a way we could protect our lore writers' and members' lore by publishing it online underneath all rights reserved. Originally created on June 14th, 2020, The Fall of Sanctuary was fully intended to be a homebrew Dungeons and Dragons text-based server, but evolved dramatically from that point. Starting out with bullet points for lore and transitioning to full blown documents, our lore has been a work in progress and remains a work in progress to this day. Now, with our new server, Beyond the Veil, we've changed even more. That's okay! It's part of the writing process to take one's time to flesh out ideas and concepts. Some people have been super impatient, others are quite excited to see where our lore takes us. We hope that you will be patient with us as we work to flesh things out. We might be writing the lore, but part of what makes the Fall of Sanctuary the Fall of Sanctuary is the people!

About Dimension 0 Studios

Dimension 0 Studios was founded in the year 2018 in an effort to produce a 'label' for hobbyist artists by FallenArkhein. Although multiple servers have been produced by its creative endeavours, modern-day Dimension 0 Studios features a vastly more widescale team— it has moved a long way from just being the writing of one person. Amaranth's worlds were intended to be worked upon by multiple individuals, to be expanded upon and explored by writer, reader, artist, and roleplayer alike. Previous servers and projects by FallenArkhein included worlds like Behind Hidden Doors, Into the Unknown, The Noble Lie, Secrets of the Arcana, and Hexbound, although these projects have since been retired and have been scrapped, with various parts being incorporated into the Fall of Sanctuary, with Udoxa, Liranon, and Tir'anor being the main centres of incorporations. We hope that you will find our lore to be fascinating and intriguing, as well as have a draw to create and be inspired by it in turn— so long as you don't plagiarize our work or use it outside of the Fall of Sanctuary.

Submitting Lore and Important Characters

Anyone can provide additions to certain forms of lore with the exception of magic types and nations—to add on to our immense lore, submit a Google Docs using one of our formats in #format-submission and it will be contributed here by a staff member at a later date after balanced and upon being modified to fit in with our lore. All rights reserved for the Beyond the Veil will be classified underneath a collective work. In collective works, each individual piece is distinguishable and belongs to the person who contributed it. The overall control over the whole piece is given to one person, which, in this scenario, is FallenArkhein#9181. If you choose to disagree and refuse to allow your work to be placed within our Wiki, it will not be used for our lore, we will not claim ownership of it, nor will you be granted any rights to any of our other works. This is to ensure that our own writings are protected from plagiarism and to ensure that your work remains safe as well. Without using All Rights Reserved, we cannot place your work into our wiki, nor will we do so.

If you would like your work to be removed at any time, contact @fallenarkhein. It will be removed entirely, although we may replace it with a new work of our own should it be vital to the server's lore, of which will be separate and distinguishable from your own. It will likely not be replaced at all if your contribution is not being used within the server. If your work has been completely reworked, although contributed in the past, to the point where it is entirely something else of its own and completely distinguishable, you will not be granted credit to it beyond mention of inspiration, should the writer have even taken inspiration from your work to begin with. (e.g. You contributed a race and it was changed to something completely new and different, although a similar name may have been used, provided it was based upon mythology or a similar source of inspiration from the author by happenstance; or you contributed a lore significant character, but they were completely replaced with a new figure that has done different things and possesses a different name, backstory, and behaviours.) If you no longer wish to have your writings be part of our lore, message a staff member and we will get that sorted. Leader characters will have their sheets linked within this server and if they make a major impact on history, they will be brought up as well. Some names and events from the roleplay from previous roleplayers have been altered outright in order to avoid any issues - do note that should you choose to add to our lore with a character, we are more than happy to do the exact same for you as well.

Inspirations of Beyond the Veil

Although inspirations vary from writer to writer, mythology is by far our most consistent inspiration. Latin American, North American, Egyptian, European, and Eastern mythology are definitely the biggest sources of inspiration, but mythos and folk tales all around the world have served as the basis for a lot of our lore. Real world history, locations, and cultures have also impacted locations that are centred around those locations. For myself (FallenArkhein), the Warcraft and Diablo franchises were very powerful inspirations for the very start of our roleplay. Over time, I cut down on references to them, but they were certainly not my only fantasy inspirations. His Dark Materials, Xanth, and Tolkein's works have always been major fantasy inspirations for me as a whole and I love them as book series (even though, embarrassingly, I have never read any of Tolkien's books). For other major lore writers, the Warhammer Fantasy franchise has been another major inspiration for them and it is evident within certain works.

The Development Team


FallenArkhein / @fallenarkhein

Primary Developer Heads

Orn / @_orn

Secondary Developer Heads

dain / @_dain
LoquaciousLark / @loquaciouslark

Additional Writers

Yuki / @wolfchen_ (Secondary Support Head)
Galius / @galius (Secondary Moderation Head)

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