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From Beyond the Veil

Other Names

Other Names

Other Names
Variant Name Region Nature Origin
[Insert Variant] [Insert Name] Insert Nation (or Universal) Is it a derogatory term, the race’s ‘True Name’ (aka the name they call themselves) or a common name? Discuss where it potentially spawned from! Feel free to say ‘Unknown.’=

Type Variation Classification


Fae, Celestial, Humanoid, Depends on Essence Variant


Fae, Stellarian, Humanoid, Depends on Essence Variation


Fae, Humanoid, Depends on Essence Variation


Fae, Protean, Humanoid, Depends on Essence Variation


Fae, Cambion, Varies, Humanoid, Depends on Essence Variation


Fae, Eldritch and/or Stellarian, Humanoid, Depends on Essence Variation


Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Depends on Essence Variation

Essence Variation Classification





Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Rare

All Other Variants

Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Common



Fae, Cambion, Varies, Humanoid, Extremely Rare




Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Very Rare

All Other Variants

Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Rare



Fae, Celestial, Humanoid, Extremely Rare


Fae, Stellarian, Humanoid, Rare


Fae, Eldritch and/or Stellarian, Humanoid, Rare


Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Rare

All Other Variants

Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Uncommon



Fae, Celestial, Humanoid, Extremely Rare


Fae, Protean, Humanoid, Extremely Rare


Fae, Cambion, Varies, Humanoid, Extremely Rare

All Other Variants

Fae, Varies, Humanoid, Very Rare

Average Threat Level

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Coming soon!

Type Variations


The descendants of Beinníanh who crossed with Celestials, Tariqestil, sometimes referred to as Light Elves or Desert Elves. Native to Tiryt, Alnabi, and Liranon, these Elves are particularly known for their haughty nature and disregard for other Elven variants. Historically, Tariqestil, particularly within Liranon, have been known for their overwhelming hatred for other varieties of Elf— they believe themselves to be the first Elves and the only true Elves and thus specifically focus on being of 'purebred' status. Within regions like Liranon, this has resulted in outright genocides of certain types of other Elf and this mentality has resulted in most other forms of Liranese Elves despising Tariqestil for their behaviour. Tariqestil, much like their other Elven kin, have rather sharp and angular features; slightly longer upper limbs; claws; fangs; pure coloured, glowing eyes without a white sclera or visible pupils. Tariqestil are distinctly taller than their kin, with rather sinewy and lean builds that cause their musculature, tendons, and ligaments to be very noticeable, far more noticeable than their other Elven brethren. They have skin tones that range within the human spectrum, with many exposed to the harsh desert suns being darker in skin tone, but generally have very light shades of hair, such as blondes, greys, and white. Tariqestil are decently well rounded in physique, but decently physically strong, and despite having ancestral ties to the Beinníanh, most have lost their attunement to Terra and instead have Caedo that manifests in forms akin to Terran magic. They are generally decently talented with Umbra et Lux, but falter at spells that involve the absence of light.


The descendants of Stelíanh that intermingled with Stellarians, Qualiqestil, otherwise known as Aetheric Elves, are native to Arkeum and Liranon. Historically, Qualiqestil have been accused of participating in the genocide of other varieties of Elf during the periodic voidic purges within Arkeum, a matter that has resulted in Qualiqestil oftentimes being particularly scorned by other Stellaterian races. Their skin, eyes, and hair seem to sparkle with stellar energy and they do not inherently come in human colour ranges alone— pastel hues of pink, blue, gold, amber, or outright white are possibilities. Their eyes, in particular, glow very vibrantly in comparison to other Elves and, as such, Qualiqestil eyes are rather easy to detect in the darkness. Qualiqestil believe academics to be the key to their success and are particularly insistent on their children having lofty dreams— as such, they are particularly competitive, oftentimes willing to do whatever it takes to surpass their peers. Qualiqestil have an innate talent with Aethera and a considerable mana pool, which they use to their advantage in offensive encounters and makes up for their diminutive physicality— otherwise, although agile, Qualiqestil are notably physically weak for Elves in general. Their ability to control Aethera, however, compensates for this— should a Qualiqestil strike a foe with an Aethera spell, the traditional sickness induced by it manifests in something that dulls the speed of opponents. Due to this, their fragility is irrelevant, as their general speed and ability to reduce the speed of their foes allows them to remain relatively intact.


Related to the Coillíanh, the Tava'ron are the result of distal interminglings with other humanoid races. In due time, the Tava'ron, otherwise known as the Wood Elves, became distinguished from Auf due to their eclectic gene pool. Despite this, most Tava'ron merely have a Fae heritage that is considerable enough to be of note— they are found within most nations with the exception of Tir'anor. Within woodland regions, which Tava'ron are particularly native to, Tava'ron can connect to the local plantlife and detect enemies with a limited radius, which is what garners them their name. Although they are not particularly strong, they are very agile and they reside amongst the Fae, Primordials, Draconians, and the various bestial races who care for the natural world. The bulk of Tava'ron have tanned skin; brown, blonde, or green hair; sharp features for even Elves; and, should they have humanoid ears, far longer ears than most of their kin, with the exception of Aluserafaen. Many have bestial, mycelial, plantoid, or elemental traits due to their Fae heritage— most have tails which they use to balance themselves due to their generally arboreal nature although some have gossamer-like, flightless wings; horns; bestial ears; or modifications for better gripping such bestial lower limbs with talons or claws. Known for their knack with archery and javelins, most Tava'ron strike before one can even see them— they have a natural skill with disguising themselves in various ways, a minor aptitude for increasing their bestial traits with Viscus Insero, and Natura Animi. Tava'ron are the only Elves to fully maintain the ability to utilise nature magic, which they use to poison their weaponry, weaken armour, manipulate local wildlife, and hinder any who might encroach on their territory. As a result, many have a slight aversion to Wood Elves, as they are generally aggressive towards any outsiders, but amicable with locals.


Descended from the Abhaíanh and believed to be the result of their intermixing with Merfolk, the Vaya'ron, otherwise known as Tidal Elves, are known for their adaptations to water— with webbed digits; eyes with a third membrane to enable them to see underwater; a set of gills; and smooth, hairless skin with the exception of the hair on their head, or, rarely, if they have any Protean blood, patches of scales. Whilst it is best to keep their gills wet like any other gilled creature, they can usually drink water periodically or shapeshift them away with training to manage this, although the latter is not a natural talent they possess, however one many teach themselves over time. Vaya'ron are capable swimmers and are moderate in physique as a whole, although they are not as capable as the likes of those truly adapted for the water— instead, Vaya'ron are semi-aquatic and hunt and reside close to bodies of water, swimming into their depths as part of their rituals, for the purposes of hunting, and the expression of their culture in dance and art. Vaya'ron are not particularly fond of most other Elves with the exception of Tava'ron, with whom they often trade and interact with frequently— they also interact with Fae, Protean, Merfolk, and various other species quite positively, however. Vaya'ron are found within most nations (with the exception of Tir'anor) close to its bodies of water and their coastlines. Vaya'ron are capable of utilising Sonus and Unda, however, they are particularly known for being the only Elf variant to feature electroreception naturally, which they use to hunt more elusive prey— their electroreception is decently potent and they can detect the electrical signals of entities as far as a few metres away should they be particularly talented with it. Additionally, although it dehydrates them dramatically and thus cannot be done readily on land without hurting themselves, Vaya'ron can release a slimy, foul-tasting substance in order to force things to consider releasing them instead of making them a meal.


Related to Lasaíanh, Dúrevaen are the result of their interminglings with Cambions and the likes of certain varieties of Primordials or, quite rarely, Draconians or Kaiju. Referred to as Dark Elves, Shadow Elves, or Volcanic Elves, Dúrevaen started as being native to the Hidromasa Isles in Liranon, as well as the Alarak Mountain Range in Udoxa and the Oraxyl Mountains in Vasterioth, however, their generally plentiful nature in Liranon as years passed and conflicts with Tariqestil resulted in their elimination from Liranon megaannum ago— most fled to its farthest regions or to the other nations they called home and to this day, there is little to no Dúrevaen presence in Liranon. Dúrevaen have dark greyscale skin and, although this is not common, some feature patches of obsidian-like or rock-like structures protruding from their skin as well— they have greyscale, flaming red, or magmatic hair and molten eyes, although Udoxan Dúrevaen sometimes have violet features instead. With claws for hands, notable muscularity that makes them look considerably less sinewy and lean than other Elves, and spines across portions of their bodies, Dúrevaen take after their Cambion and Fae relatives alike— some, even, have enough Cambion blood to be considered Hylings, causing them to have demonic tails, multiple limbs, horns, or even wings. Adapted to be able to see in the darkest nights or in the midst of volcanic ash, Dúrevaen have the ability to see through magical illusions, as well as a third eyelid that can keep volcanic ash out of their eyes, but are generally rendered nocturnal due to their photosensitivity. Dúrevaen have a notable heat resistance in comparison to other Elves, although they do not feature the same resistance as their kin— they can handle being close to volcanic regions, although they cannot swim in lava like the Lasaíanh. Known for their Defanatus, Vulca, and their minor ability to use light-reducing spells in Umbra et Lux, such as invisibility spells, Dúrevaen are fearsome combatants whose militaristic culture, offensive magics, marital training, and innately stronger physicality in comparison to other Elves makes them uniquely terrifying to face in combat.


Descendants of Voidbourne or Eldritch and Stelíanh, the Ahnvaen are difficult to research for many scholars due to their elusivity and their incredibly slow increase in their populace— although many Elves struggle with fertility to some degree, the sheer amount of Voidic influence upon them and within their bloodstream reducing their fertility further as well as their entire Arkemite population having been wiped out has led to their slow and steady decline, with their birth rates barely managing to enable the growth of their population. Due to this, they are protected by Udoxan law and cannot be consumed unless they have died of natural causes, as they are classified as an endangered species. Ahnvaen have colourful skin; vibrant, glowing eyes; and oftentimes feature Eldritch or stellar traits, like multiple limbs, multiple eyes, a faint shimmer to their complexion, and so on— Ahnvaen specifically take on hues of violet, indigo, cyan, or even shades of verdant green or crimson. Whichever colour their eyes are is generally complimented by glowing tattoos and markings across their body, each one indicating a rite that they have completed. Ahnvaen, much like the Tava'ron, have turned to the ways of the Fae— residing deep within the wilderness alongside the Stelíanh of D'akkhfal, the Ahnvaen, much like the Aluserafaen, are known for their rather peculiar culture and understandings of life and death, which in part was the source of their conflict with the Qualiqestil. Having a unique resilience to Vis Stellae for a non-Core Race, Ahnvaen can actually withstand the lower reaches of the Noxus and can endure considerably more exposure to Void than most mortal species. Ahnvaen, of course, have a natural knack for Inane and generally take upon the traits of their Eldritch ancestors as well— they utilise Imperium Mentis, which they additionally use to commune with their kin telepathically, and many have access to various other magics depending on their ancestry.


Aluserafaen are descendants of Culldluí Íanh who intermingled with various Stelaterian species— generally, Cambions and either Dustellae Stellarians or Mawborn. Many uninformed further believe them to be vampiric or the descendants of vampires, however vamprisim does not pass through a lineage. Aluserafaen supposedly originally hailed from Arkeum, however, after the local Qualiqestil genocide of the Aluserafaen and Ahnvaen, they supposedly came to Udoxa and Vasterioth— Aluserafaen, however, have lacking historical records proving they they originated in Arkeum and many Stelaterians believe them to have originally spawned in Udoxa. Due to Aluserafaen having a strong respect for the dead and partaking in various rituals as part of their heritage, they garnered the common name Occult Elf, however, some refer to them as Sanguine Elves as well for their particular brand of magic and crimson eyes. In general, Aluserafaen sometimes have skin tones of grey, however, most are pallid; with greyscale or light coloured hair; and distinctively green, amber, violet, or crimson eyes, with the latter being the most common. Their upper limbs are unusually long in comparison to other Elves, they have claw-like hands, and some even have more unusual traits from their Changeling heritage, such as tails, however, most shapeshift many of these traits to be lesser. Aluserafaen are denoted for their innate talent with many rather unusual magic type combinations in comparison to other Elves due to their bloodlines, however, most are not active users or have very minor talents within Vis Stellae and Sacrum Deum Defanatus. Regardless of whether or not these Elves have an innate talent for a wide array of magic types, however, most of those are bloodline based and thus weaker— Viscus Insero, however, is generally something they are quite talented with. This is demonstrated through their capability to manipulate flesh, blood, and bone— this includes shapeshifting to a limited degree, however, they are not as talented as their Changeling ancestors. They are additionally quite talented at a particular form of Statuaria that enables them to absorb ambient mana and weaken the spells of others— a trait believed to have been garnered as the result of some form of instinctual yearning for mana. Their most notable ability, however, and the one that garners their namesake is Memberance— as part of their ritualistic cannibalism in their funerary rites to respect the dead, Aluserafaen developed the ability to gain the memories of others by consuming their flesh through a mixture of Imperium Mentis and Viscus Insero. This, in particular, has garnered the judgement of many of those outside of the nations their peoples call home.

Esscence Variations


Related to the Seilsidhe, these are the bulk of Elves found throughout the world— those endemic to all nations with the exceptions of part of Vasterioth, part of Fydrassi, part of Arkeum, and the entirety of Aloernarch and Udoxa. Colloquially, these Fae are generally referred to as 'Lesser Elves' due to not being Dí-Elves (or High Elves). All other regions do not have Dí-Fae and thus, most Elves within them are merely Seilqestil. Seilsidhe are specifically Fae who come from regions of low stellar ambient mana who are not attached directly to a World Tree— and, thus, they are the most plentiful and thus the heritage that most Elves stem from. This includes the bulk of Tariqestil, some Qualiqestil, most Tava'ron, the bulk of Vaya'ron, many Dúrevaen, and some Alserafaen. Seilqestil range from five feet in height (1.52 metres) to six feet (1.83 in height. These Elves are not nearly as magically potent as their kin, nor nearly as physically potent, and they live shorter lifespans— the only exception are those in Liranon and those with no Human blood, which extends their lifespan considerably, although most live relatively mortal lifespans regardless due to their detachment from the World Trees and their nature as mortals with flesh and blood rather than being composed of the essence of their Aes Sídhe ancestors. Seilqestil do, however, have their plentiful nature to their advantage— their relative commonality enables their societies to flourish with less difficulties and greater numbers and they generally struggle less with infertility, enabling their numbers to bounce back better from disaster.


Hailing from the Drassidhe, Drasiqestil are rather unusual— they are less common than their Seilqestil counterparts and are notably slightly larger, standing at around seven feet (2.13 metres) to nine feet tall (2.74 metres). Most Drasiqestil, however, due to their notably large size and slightly greater mystical potency than their kin generally end up serving as localised leadership amongst their community, especially due to their longer lifespan— they are generally respected for their wisdom, as Drasiqestil have a notably extended lifespan from their kin, with those with little to no Human blood and a substantial amount of Drassidhe ancestry being almost unable to die from old age. Drasiqestil can spawn from any region that has a World Tree that does not have said World Tree within a region of high concentrations of stellar mana— such as Udoxa, Aloernarch, and Arkeum. As such, most regions that might have even a small concentration of High Elves find themselves in an unusual position, as their World Trees are not within locations that foster the formation of Dí-Fae, meaning that their Drasiqesti will not be Dí-Drasiqesti. That being said, due to Vaya'ron and Dúrevaen hailing from the particular types of Fae they are related to, most Drasiqestil Vaya'ron are from Fydrassi and Dúrevaen generally cannot be Drasiqestil outside of particularly peculiar circumstances, such as a recent relative being a World Tree Fae, and are generally smaller than other rasiqestil. Despite their increased size, Drasiqestil generally do not have a notable enough strength superior to that of Seilqestil to where Seilqestil are entirely outmatched by Drasiqestil, although as they grow older, Drasiqestil's ability to live longer enables them to better wield magic over time.


Descended from Dí-Seilsidhe, Dí-Seilqestil are significantly larger than Seilqestil, but still smaller than Dí-Drasiqestil. They stand at around nine feet (2.74 metres) to thirteen feet (3.96 metres) in height, although some have figured out how to shapeshift to become smaller. Dí-Seilqestil are only found within part of Vasterioth, part of Fydrassi, part of Arkeum, and the entirety of Aloernarch and Udoxa, specifically in regions closer to Udoxa and Aloernarch as well as southeastern Arkeum, as those are the central focal points of ambient stellar mana. As such, the only Elves that generally can be Dí-Seilqestil are Tava'ron, Vaya'ron, Qualiqestil, Dúrevaen, Ahnvaen, and Alserafaen— due to the lack of ambient stellar mana, however, Tariqestil cannot be High Elves unless their family has been exposed to ambient stellar mana for multiple generations, although some with a considerable Stellarian ancestry or some other bloodline with notable Vis Stellae surprisingly can be larger due to the latent Vis Stellae they utilise should they be Seilqestil and may be classified as Dí-Seilqestil. Dí-Seilqestil are notably physically stronger than their kin and slightly faster, however, most are still physically weaker than the likes of many types of Kjir, which many of them co-habitate nations with. Dí-Seilqestil notably have difficulties with fertility and, as a result, generally have smaller populations regardless of their longer lifespans, resulting in their local populations taking grave hits if disaster strikes and having less genetic diversity as a whole.


Stemming from Dí-Drasisidhe, Dí-Drasiqestil are related to Fae stemming from D'akkhfal in Udoxa, Prysima in Arkeum, and Verkrone in Aloernarch. The Fae most likely to be Dí-Drasiqestil are Aluserafaen, Tava'ron, and Ahnvaen, as other forms of Elf generally do not have any parentage from Dí-Drasisidhe and generally need a very recent Dí-Drasisidhe relative to be classified as Dí-Drasiqestil— they are also generally smaller than proper Dí-Drasiqestil. Dí-Drasiqestil can stand anywhere from twelve (3.65 metres) to fifteen feet (4.57 metres) in height, making them rather tall, although Dí-Drasiqestil are generally extremely rare in comparison to other Elf types. Some They are not capable of dying to old age and those who devote themselves to the World Trees themselves seem to be far more resistant to disease than other Elves in turn for their services. Drasiqestil with a great exposure to ambient stellar manas or, in some unusual cases, a heritage tied to something like an Abrorik might be classified as Dí-Drasiqestil in spite of them not being true Dí-Elves, although they are generally smaller still than true Dí-Drasiqestil. Dí-Drasiqestil are oftentimes leaders amongst their communities and, due to their interactions with the Fae being quite common, many of them have substantial Faerie ancestry, giving them better access to many of the magics that most Elves have lost over time due to their dilution of Faerie blood. They are the strongest out of all of the Elves and, due to their ability to live longer than most Elves, generally master their magics quite well over time, making them fearsome opponents despite their general fraility and reliance on agility.

Region of Origin

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Preferred Biome

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Food Obtainment

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Social Attitudes and Etiquette

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Common Magical Attributes

Variant Innate Magical Potential Magical Resistances Magical Weaknesses
Variant (Insert Form)
  • Discuss the magic types and racials given to each variant.
  • Discuss what type of magical resistance they have and the extent of it.
  • Discuss what type of magical weaknesses they have and the extent of it.
  • Common Physical Attributes

    Variant Deadlift / Drag Weight Carry Weight Striking Force Bite Force
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert lbs
  • Insert kg
  • Insert psi
  • Insert psi
  • Agility
    Variant Running Speed Flight Speed Swim Speed Reaction Speed Striking Speed
    Variant (Insert Form)
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Insert ms
  • Insert mph
  • Insert km/h
  • Typical Appearances

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    Primarily contributed by @fallenarkhein.

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